

Maya was speechless for minutes, not for so long, but still, for some minutes; as she tried to grasp what Emma had just said.  For the life of her, she couldn't understand what her friend was talking about. As she had thought earlier to Sia, her wolf; she didn't just get the human some times.

"I don't understand, Emma. What do you mean? What did we do?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest, as she adjusted herself more properly into the bed.

"Since I met you guys, I don't know what is really happing. It's like everything has taken a dive for the worse in my life." Emma replied, still glaring at her, folding her arms too across her chest, as they both engaged in a staring contest.

"I'm sorry about that." Maya said finally, as she comprehended a bit of what her human friend was feeling. The human was overwhelmed! How hadn't she noticed it? She thought, as she still looked on her friend.
