

Derek's eyes darted tro and fro the large expanse of the forest, as he stood akimbo, looking for whatever or whomever had broken into his little witch's house; looking for a clue or something that would give him a hint of what had happened at his mate's place.

When he and his cousin, with his beta and gamma, had walked into the house which looked disarranged and totally scattered, he had known that someone had been in the home, searching for something.

But what could that be? He thought. What possibly can a human have that the queen of witches was searching for her?; and now her house has been ransacked, turned upside down.

Did his little witch steal anything? 

He shook his head negatively. It wasn't possible. She had just moved in here and hadn't even stayed for a month.

So what was really the problem? He thought, scratching an itchy spot on his long hair.

