
Chapter 28

"Thank you all for coming, I know this isn't the most celebratory of circumstances."

The building was almost like a mead hall if I were being honest, but banquets and celebrations were a major part of their culture. There were some massive tables that sat on a lower level, overlooked by a throne.

I looked up towards the man sitting on the throne, one Jarl Balgruuf. The 'leadership' of Skyrim was not something unheard of, if only called things by different names than I was used to. Essentially there was one 'high king' and the respective Jarls who all oversaw their own territory and swore loyalty to the King.

I was easy to forget that there was a civil war going on right now. Apparently, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak had killed the previous king but claimed it was an honorable duel. One thing led to another, now one side is supporting Ulfric and the other is against him with the backup of the 'Empire' another power that sits above even the High King.

Frankly, it was all a mess. Atleast Balgruuf had the common sense not to jump to either side and was remaining neutral.

The Jarl stood up from his throne. "We honor the dead and the living, both of whom had made it possible to have survived to this point." He held a drink up and everyone else followed suit, I also raised my own drink as everyone took a sip. "Let us not mourn too long for the dead, let us instead look forward to seeing them once again in Sovngarde! Now, eat your fill, drink until you can no longer and relish in hard fought victory."

There were many cheers and just as many who quietly slumped in their seats. I sat next to Thorum as we shared a look and down our drinks together. The 'celebration' wasn't just something to keep up morale, it was more so a send off to their fallen comrades. To trade stories and remember those who no longer will fight beside you.

"To surviving." I said quietly.

"Aye, I'll drink another to that." Thorum nodded.

I withdrew another healing potion from my ring and down it, giving Thorum another as well. Taking too many too quickly diluted their effects astronomically. It was better to keep a solid schedule of one every hour or so for sustained injuries.

I kept an eye on the Jarl and he looked around the room with a content look on his face, possible gauging the reactions of everyone here.

The Companions were in….not high spirits but they weren't dwelling on everything. There were a few missing limbs but they didn't look at all diminished in fighting spirit.

"Friends, as we start the feast, let us honor the warriors who truly stood out in battle." The Jarl's voice was loud and authoritative but without any of the arrogance that one would usually associate with someone in his positions, I suppose you could call it Charismatic.

"Thorum, of the Companions." He waved Thorum over until my friend stood infront of the crowded tables and infront of the throne. "To have a Dragonborn appear in such a dire time, truly we are blessed by the divines."

That actually got a lot of cheers, there had been many whispers of Thorum decapitating the dragon.

"Tell me, Thorum are the stories true, you beheaded that mighty beast?" Jarl asked as his voice carried throughout the entire room.

I saw several eyes glance at me but I didn't make any noise or commotion. I didn't really share these people's idea of 'glory' and 'honor'. I was fine being regulated to the background.

"Those tales are untrue." Thorum grunted earning some surprised looks and a few nods. "I did cut the head off the dragon, but it was no more the killing of a wounded beast on its last breaths. The glory goes to my friend Wilhelm." Thorum looked over to me a smile on his face.

I wanted to facepalm, but I knew that he only did this with pure intentions. That was the kind of man Thorum was.

"Ah yes, the Mage." Jarl eyed me. "Come, recant to us the battle." He ushered me over and I could only down my drink before standing up.

"Jarl." I lightly bowed my head to pay respects. He looked pleased as he gestured to me.

"I have heard many fantastical stories so far, I'm curious which are true. Even my Court-Wizard had been investigating these rumors." As if on cue a man in a mage's attire walked over and he was carrying a very familiar staff.

"I was curious to where my staff got off to after the battle." I made sure to explicitly confirm my ownership. I would rather not have to remove any heads to retrieve my property.

I had left it there to continue to watch over the wounded. I didn't exactly fear it being stolen, but someone 'trying' to steal it would be quite annoying to deal with.

"Indeed." The Court-Wizard spoke up. "A curious artifact, I had run only the simplest of tests, yet the output of any spell was extraordinarily greater than the staff I use normally."

I held back my eye twitching in annoyance, who did he think he was 'experimenting' with something that belonged to me? "I appreciate you returning it to me." I said as bluntly as possible

His hand tightened around the shaft, I could tell right now he had no desire to truly give it back. "I feel this staff will be very beneficial to my research against the dragons, I would not be against buying it off you."

"Not for sale." I frowned.


"Farengar, enough." The Jarl spoke up. "There is a time and place for such business."

I could almost hear him clench his teeth in frustration. I think he was about to try and sneak away with it while I was busy dealing with the Jarl, cute. I reached out with Telekinesis and yanked it out of his hand. "Thank you for returning it to me." I gave the most innocent smile possible.

The Jarl just raised an eyebrow but didn't speak up, he seemed smart enough to realize what was going on and Farengar was fuming, mumbling something under this breath and stepping back.

Well, the Jarl seemed like an honorable man.

"Mage, I would have your name." He requested.

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, though most people call me Will."

"Will then." He smiled, accepting the introduction. "I've heard tales of a red armor that allowed you to fly and even trade blows with a dragon."

"I do have something like that, unfortunately I can't bring it out as it takes a large toll on my body." I waved to myself, clearing wrapped in bandages in several parts.

"I wouldn't ask such a thing." The Jarl waved me off. "Though I am curious about the origins."

Was he wanting more if they were man made or maybe just feeling me out? "It is a weapon with a dragon soul sealed inside, I could temporarily borrow the dragon's power."

hushed murmers filled the room, some open questions filled the void of silence.

"Another Dragonborn?"

"Is he even a man, I heard he's a Daedra."

"We should take the weapon for Whiterun."

The Jarl sent a glare to everyone, they all promptly shut their mouths. "A dragon you say? No wonder you were able to match the dragon that attacked if you were using the power of another." He said in awe.

"Aye a dragon, that does make more sense." Thorum spoke up and gently pat me on the shoulder.

"I've never heard of such a thing." Farengar grumbled. "We should study this contraption and see if it can be used against any other dragons that may appear."

"There were a few shouts of agreement around the room, mostly from people I didn't recognize. In fact they looked mostly whole and healthy, I don't think they even participated in the battle.

"And how exactly would you accomplish that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmph of course we would seize it for the good of the realm then it would be turned over to the proper expert in the arcane and they would unlock its mysteries." Farengar glared.

"How curious, I look around the room yet I see no such expert, unless you have a mirror for me to use?"

"A novice like you would be unable to understand such intricacies as my research, such an item of power is wasted on you."

I just rolled my eyes, this guy.... I really don't have the mind for this right now, I'm definitely off my A-game. "Well, regardless, I can't remove it as it is wrapped around my soul and I don't fancy dying to fuel your delusions of grandeur." Better just nip this in the bud right here and I didn't really owe an explanation past this.

"Jarl, I propose taking the item in question and allowing me to study it. If it is true that such an object can trap the soul of a dragon we may be able to defeat these creatures." He seemingly ignored my comment, opting to instead push the stick way further up his ass.

"Oi, did you not hear me? I said I would die if you tried to take it." I just shook my head, what an idiot.

"One life vs the lives of many." He said simply, over the hushes silence in the room.

I think I practically froze at the comment. It wasn't some kind of anger that overflowed, no, it was the sheer stupidity of saying something like that so plainly in the gathering of so many people that made me utterly dumbfounded.

Foot, meet mouth.

It was at the moment that many people stood up, hands on their weapons, all staring at Farengar. Thorum took a step forward, getting between us. I was not feeling any danger from this mage but the fact that Thorum stepped up like that was pretty cool. Not to mention many others around the room were ready to make a move.

But my attention was focused mainly on the Jarl. He didn't stop Farengar from spouting all that nonsense, while I don't think he agreed with his Court Wizard, I think he wanted to see how it would play it.

"Farengar, why you you go back to your research." The Jarl finally spoke up, easing the tension that filled the area.

Farengar grunted in acknowledgement, leaving the room for who knows where.

This man was a good leader, he was feeling out all his options before committing.

"Forgive my Court Wizard, he tends to forget his place sometimes after studying his dusty tomes for so many hours a day." The Jarl gave a small laugh. "Why don't we go back to the festivities?"

"Well, if you want a recount of the battle, I only showed up near the end why don't you have Thorum start, and I'll pick up where I arrived?" May as well move past this, I just wanted to finish this up and head out.


Thorum…I don't think he was really in the mood to celebrate, but he laughed and joked with everyone as he retold the battle. I guess it was important to honor his comrades even against his own desires.

I nodded along and interjected at a few points here or there but never full explained what I did. I was kind of put on the spot to give some context, but it didn't mean I had to reveal my entire hand and no one seemed to call me out on my 'non-human' nature. I guess actions speak much louder than words here.

"Fascinating." The Jarl exclaimed. "You both had done a great service to Whiterun, how should I reward you?"

Oh, a reward, I hadn't even thought of that.

"I wouldn't mind some land outside the city." I spoke up after a moment. A place to set up a house and maybe even a workshop for the future. I planned on leaving this world soon, but that didn't mean I wasn't coming back. There was no way I was leaving my friend and girlfriend forever. And I had quite a few ideas for a plot of land that I could call me own.

There were some preliminary thoughts for maybe anchoring the same space over several 'worlds' sort of linking that area together.

I'll think on it more later.

"That is doable, I can bring you a parchment that shows the available land later." He nodded and even looked a bit grateful at my request. I think the gold was a bit tight for him right now, so I didn't ask anything that would be a drain on his resources, earning me a bit of goodwill in addition to actually wanting the land.

"And you, Dragonborn?" The Jarl asked.

"I'm not sure I deserve a reward, Jarl. I merely finished off the dragon while Will did most of the work."

"None of that." I smacked his shoulder.

Jarl snorted in laughter. "Aye, Thorum, your humble nature does you well, but you proved invaluable in the fight, It would bring me dishonor to not award you anything." He tapped his chin. "How about I name you Thane of Whiterun?"

There was an abrupt murmuring and whispering going on.

Thane, I think I remember something like that. Almost like a 'knighted' position, no real influence but sort of an honorary title that acknowledges great services to the city.

Well played, Jarl. It would tie him to you without forcing him under your thumb.

"I would be honored, Jarl." Thorum tilted his head down in acceptance.

"Wonderful!" The Jarl exclaimed to the excitement of the crowd. There were many congratulations being shouted towards Thorum. I could already see the greed in some of their eyes, they would try to get close to the 'dragonborn' and new Thane.

From the looks of some of the Companions, I felt like I didn't need to worry about him though. They probably dealt with these kinds of politics before, or rather how to avoid them in the first place. If I had to guess, I think it involved a lot of punching.

"Now, what are the plans for both of you, now?" The Jarl asked.

Ah, there it is. He's probably wanting to make sure his city is still defended or knows that he can call upon us.

Thorum looked at me a bit unsure of himself before answering. "I…want to head to the Greybeards." He declared.

"Ah, yes, I believe everyone in Skyrim heard their call earlier." Jarl nodded and I don't think he could argue with him on that. "What about you, Will?'

"I was going to seek out my….Grandfather for training." I kept my expression even, not giving him an open to try and weasel me into staying here.

"You're going to leave?" It was Thorum who spoke up, realization dawning on him. "You told me you aren't from skyrim." He said with a small bit of understanding.

"Yeah, my Grandfather lives far way." I sighed, I believe he should be around or some iteration of him on the timeline if I can calculate everything correctly. "I don't' like how weak I felt during the fight so I need to get stronger."

Thinking about it, I'm really just all over the place right now.

"I see." Thorum looked a bit dejected but I think he understood.

"Don't look so down." I slapped his shoulder. "I'll take you up the mountain and check out these Greybeards with you before I leave." I gave him a smile.

"Aye, what about your….erm… woman?"

"Yeah, going to have to deal with that at some point." I grunted, I did not enjoy seeing Meridia upset, not angry, but genuinely upset that I was in danger again. "Would rather fight another dragon again."

"Smart man, fear your woman over a dragon." Jarl laughed, seemingly accepted that we would both be gone, some small laughter over the crowd. I think he felt relief that Thorum would be 'close by'.

"I'll be back in….a month at the latest." I reassured Thorum who nodded.

"Well, this is all settled." The Jarl clapped his hands. "Everyone, drink, be merry, and make sure you don't leave my keep sober!"


I managed to disappear a bit into the festivities. I thought I saw the Court-Wizard eyeing me some more and didn't want to be annoyed by him. I also had a few interesting things I noticed about myself.

"Hey Ddraig, did giving up my heart make me stronger, because I noticeably different."

[Yes, but you should also be noticing your devil nature finally kicking in.]

"My devil nature...." My devil nature! I see how could I forget! It seems like the more physical aspects of my body is finally acclimating to being a 'half devil' as opposed to being just a human. Devils are 'magical' creatures as observed by how their wings operate, I never had any 'magic' due to my unique circumstances, I guess everything was suppressed below the surface and now I'm slowly coming into it all. Enhanced physical attributes are basically the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah, Devils are much stronger than a standard human, I should see a qualitive increase in strength. I guess having my heart taken by a dragon and using the Balance Breaker may have accelerated everything. Well this was a much welcomed windfall, and I didn't even have to do anything.

Thinking about it, I believe my devil magic may have had an influence on me as well, and I hadn't even noticed until now. When I used my Onymodo Arts along with my Runes, they were combined with much more ease than I had anticipated. Perhaps the 'imagination' part of the devil's demonic power came into play, it was facilitating the synchronization of my spells and abilities.

I would need to do some extensive study on this for later. What a wonderful find this has been, I can't believe I overlooked something so obvious, though I can attribute that to my current circumstances. I've been forgivably busy recently with everything going on.

My thoughts drifted towards my bloodline power, My 'Power of Destruction' as they called it. It was still but a tiny seed, unable to be actualized, but it existed. I could only sigh with a promise to look more into it at a later date, I refused to believe there was nothing I could do with it.

Shaking my head I looked inward at Ddraig. "Hey, do you ever get the feeling like...the world is waiting for everything to blow up?"

[What do you mean?]

"I just have this strange feeling, like I lit a powder keg and it's going to explode soon."

How ominous! But it describes everything goin on pretty well. Shit is ready to explode pretty much everywhere.

AStoryForOnecreators' thoughts