

almost a month have passed since I moved in with jungkook we do live streams together and play together, he is very cute and taehyung and other members are very sweet like brothers always helping me,and their wives are like good friends to me .I thought I have started to like jungkook but I am not ready to be in a relationship with anyone, and I think even he thinks of me just as a friend.

I was thinking while wearing my outfit in the washroom.







."let's go y/n ....",Jk said checking his outfit last time.

"ok ....let's go I'm done ",y/n said coming out of the washroom.

we were going to attend a award show and I am going there as JK's fianćee (or fake fiancee).

we sat in the same car with jimin,taehyung,

other members were sitting in another car.

"wow.....you are looking beautiful in that dress..",taehyung complimented me .

"you too are looking great in that outfit.....",I said to taehyung.

"thanks....",he replied. and I don't know why JK has been behaving weirdly these days whenever I talk to anybody else he glares at them or just mocks at them.

sometimes he is clinging on me and sometimes he sulks and ignores me I am just unable to understand his weird behaviour.

but there is something else which I fear the most last week my assistant informed me that a Indian man went looking for me to my office.

and also visited my home but I wasn't there, he told the guards he was a friend of mine but since the guards had never seen him,they kicked him out.

three years passed away my life was finally starting to go well I have great friends like JK,Alex and whole bts ,they all are like a family to me I just can't understand why he is trying to mess up my life once again.








the show was really amazing now it was time for bts's performance so they went backstage. there was some time for there performance as there were 2-3 groups performing before them.

I thought of using washroom, before there performance so that I can enjoy that marvel without getting distracted.

I got up and left . after searching for a while I found a washroom backstage.

after doing my work I started walking out. passing through a corridor. I could hear blackpink's song playing on the stage. maybe they were performing. I was perfectly vibing on their song when suddenly a staff member held my hand and started to pull me in a greenroom beside.

I was startled because of this sudden action.

"what the hell ....who are you..???",I said to him as he pulled me in the green room but was not able to see his face as he was wearing a cap and a mask on.

he then locked the rooms door .I was scared of him at this moment.

(meanwhile on the other side of green room)

"I have decided I will propose y/n tonight ",jk said.

"what....??",all the members exclaimed.

but then they heard the door opening and y/n shouting at someone,

(a/n POV there were long dressers between the room that's why y/n was not able to see bts.

they were alone there at that time because ,because of some technical issues their performance got delayed)

(back to y/n's pov)

"what the hell ....who are you????",I said.

then he turned towards me and removed his mask I was shocked to see him.

"don't you recognise me y/n ???",ankush said.

"come on how can you forget your boyfriend??",he said smirking.

(JK's POV)

I thought someone was trying to abuse y/n clenched my fist and was going to walk there when I heard him saying he is y/n' boyfriend. I stopped and namjoon hyung stopped me from going infront of her.

(y/n's pov)

I tried to walk away from there but he held my hand from behind.

"where are you going would be Mrs jeon, are you back to your old self a bloody coward huh???",ankush shouted on me.

"ankush leave my hand ....look I don't want to talk to you please leave me....if anyone sees us like this then it would be a really big problem ",I said to him .

"problem.....oh right people will get to know that you are a cheater, what's a big deal with that you did it with me anyway right ,I know who you are if few more people knows that, I don't think it's that big problem ",

"ankush.....I didn't... let me go please...",I said to him but he didn't leave my hand and pinned me on the wall aggressively.

"you know what till you don't answer my question neither will I leave nor you will,tell me are you dating that JK-PK that joker???",he asked me holding my hand so hardly that I felt them almost broke my bones.

"first of all his name is Jeon jungkook and secondly I have not cheated anyone we broke up 3 years ago don't you remember it,"I said trying to be brave while my hands were really painig like hell.

"and I am not interested in your stupid questions let me go .....let me go anuykush you are hurting me",I said almost crying

"no...you are hurting me..",he shouted on me and his face just some inches away from mine.

"what did you say just now, we broke up 3 years ago??,and did you tell me back then that you were cheating on me that's why you wanted to break up with me isn't it true???"anukush said angrily.

(on the other hand jungkook calmed down after hearing they broke up 3 years ago but he was angry and wanted to kill ankush, but namjoon stopped him from going there and asked him to let y/n handle it on her own)

"why did you do that with me y/n...why????,what is so great about him he is just a stupid Korean singer ,a small kid on the name of grown up man, and I thought you hated childish people ",ankush said .

"yeah.....and that stupid Korean singer is the part of a biggest boy band group in the world, and the only artist to perform at UN..and reason behind increase of economy of south Korea ", I said holding my anger back .

"wow....so protective of your big baby fiance...

I remember you were never that protective regarding me,you used to enjoy making fun of me with your so called bestfriend vivek ",He said and that was it ,the anger I was trying to hold on ,I won't be able to now.

" or is it because he is rich ,if you wanted to marry someone rich like that ,what was so bad about me huh my dad was chief minister of Tamil nadu, and Even I am handsome????",he said bringing his face more closer to me so I turned my face away from him.

the he left me pushing me angrily.

"wow....ankush don't come near me....I don't like all this I feel uncomfortable.,isn't this what you used to say to me ,but the photos I saw on internet I feel you are very much comfortable now with him.

you know I used to listen to each and every song of yours whenever you won an award in last

3 years I used to celebrate. and what did you say in your last speech that "I think I have done a good job....better than I would've done as an engineer " are you sure you did a good job on the stage or was it in the bedroom perhaps ",Ankush said and as soon as he said that I slapped him hard.

"shut up....just shut the fuck up.....I am listening to all your bullshit from last 10 minutes but enough is enough ",I said.

"you know in last 3 years I had always imagined this day that you'd be standing infront of me and all this will be happening, but I think our roles have changed ",I said.

"what were you saying You loved me so much then why did I do that to you....are you sure,such nasty stuff nobody even talks about a prostitute they sleep with and you said that for a girl you claim to be your love.....wow...",I said.

then maybe he realised what he just say so he started apologising to me.

"sorry y/n I was just so angry that I was just blabbering nonsense.....you didn't cheated on me right...I just want to know that ....sorry I am so sorry ",he said trying to hold my hand again but moved away from him.

"no don't be sorry....don't be you know I am actually very thankful that you said all this to me,because now I won't feel bad for what I am going to do", I said trying to hold back my tears.

"y/n what are you saying .....?," ,he said.

"I just wanted to ask you that just because I was involved with a person who killed my bestfriend I am not able to sleep peacefully till now and being that person yourself how are you still Alive??",I said spilling everything that I've been hiding inside me for years..

"what.....???",ankush said acting shocked.

"you know what I hated myself for not picking up the last call from vivek,because I was a stupid ass who chose a God damn concert over picking up my best friend's last call I always hated myself I thought if I had picked up that call maybe vivek would be alive today , but at the end of the day no ifs or wishing will bring him back,I really thought I was responsible for his death but then I got to know something that you managed to hide from me perfectly ", I said.

"what...vivek called you before he died....what happened then???",ankush asked shocked walking towards me.

"why.....are you scared that maybe he said me something which I wasn't supposed to know??? but I still can't believe it, he was also a good friend of yours wasn't he ,he used to call you brother ,you don't even regret it a little bit that you killed a innocent man do you?",I said breaking out and tears start to roll out of my eyes without any control of mine.

"y/n what the hell are you saying vivek committed suicide by hanging himself in his flat ,police found his body 3 days after he died",ankush said.

"it wasn't suicide it was a murder, and the murderer is standing infront of me",I said looking towards him angrily.

"y/n I think you have a misunderstanding about it I didn't do anything, I swear I didn't kill him ,vivek hanged himself ",ankush said.

"he was a brave news reporter who exposed some big scandals of your dad,money extortion, using low quality products to build roads and pocketing half of the money given for the project which caused the highway roads to worn out before time,same thing he did while the construction of a bridge the bridge broke leading to the death of 300 people at that time,marine life conservation scandal and what not ",I said to him.and he looked shocked.

"what ???are you surprised how do I know all this??? because all those articles were written by me vivek just reported them,and when everything was out of control your father wanted to shut him off,that's why you framed him up in a fake molestation case??really you framed a innocent person like vivek who can't even think about something like this, in a fake molestation case????",I said and started crying.

"y/n listen to me once.... I understand what you are trying to say but things were not so simple...I had no choice I never thought that vivek would do something like this either we just wanted to scare him so that he stops reporting such stuff",ankush tried to say but I cut him in between and started again.

"oh .....God you literally are trying to explain what you did, a person for whom his image mattered a lot to him who was a definition of honesty , who was a role model for hundreds of young students you framed him as a monster who molested a girl ",I said and grabbed his collar.

"you asked every single news company to not hire him and when he opened his own printing office by using up all his savings, you set it up on fire,and you say you didn't thought he would do something like that...huh??",I shouted on ankush angrily.

"y/n I was just doing what my dad asked me to I was afraid for him ,if you were there on my place and you had to do something for your dad you would have done the Same ",ankush tried to justify .

"no...no Mr ankush pariyar I would have never done something like that, because I am not disgusting like you",I said

"really.....I can't believe you can say something like that to me",ankush said.

"you are disgusting, I hate myself when I think of the day I introduced you to vivek....I feel like killing myself because originally I deserved all that ,right???if I was the one on vivek's place you would have done the same....right??",I said angrily.

"no....y/n I would never...",he tried to say but I cut him in between and started again.

"in my case what would it be ....wait let me think of something disgusting like you..."a woman who sleeps with people to achieve success in her career " or a slut seduced ",I said and he slapped me hard.

and shouted on me "y/n shut up...please I...I love you I can never do something like that to you ,I swear I never thought that vivek would do something like that ,I swear y/n .....I didn't realised it.. .otherwise I would've not done any of those things to him...I love you y/n don't say anything like that about yourself please.....",ankush said and started crying.

"It hurts right????....I just said something and you were hurt...Just a fake engagement announcement and you got so angry that you are standing infront of me after whole of a 3 years to confront me....can you think what I felt like when I saw it with my own eyes??",I said trying to stop my tears...

"what.....did you see????",ankush said trying to hold my hand but I turned back.

( MEANWHILE on the other side of room)

"I never thought the girl who looks so chill and jokes around with us is so. ....filled and broken from inside ",J-hope said.

and jungkook was silent listening to all that.

then rm signalled J-hope to keep quiet.

y/n was not able to see bts and jungkook but jungkook was able to see her from between the cupboard spaces.)

"you remember the...2 days after vivek's funeral when I called you....and I talked to you not knowing anything I told you I wanted to prove vivek's innocence and you lied to me that you will help me to clear his name...and you were crying ..sorry and you were acting to cry on phone Guess what I thought all that was real ....I thought even you were shocked because of vivek's sudden demise, so I decided to go to your flat to comfort you and share my feelings with you ..can you guess what did I see??",I said trying to hold back my tears",I said.

"you and....some girl .....making out ",I said while a tear left my eye.

"what.....You came to my flat that day ...y/n I was too drunk at that time I don't remember what happened after that ....I am sorry I am such an idiot....",he said holding his hair out of frustration.

I started laughing and wiped my tears...

"yes....sure...can you think what I felt...I stood there like a stupid...person silently ....shhh",I said

making it sound over dramatic.

"don't tell me you left me because of that thing.....y/n .. you could have confronted me ,you could have shouted on me, but atleast you could have given me a chance to explain to you ,a chance to apologise, you just chose to run away and messaged me that you are tired of this relationship so you want to break up and move on",ankush said.

"chance to explain...yeah what do you think can explain ,why you cheated on me????what do you think is the appropriate answer for that ",I said smirking.

"ankush. ..please listen my life was perfect without you for the last three years and it was perfect before I met you so please leave ,go away just leave, and forget that I even existed ",I said keeping my face still as a stone. as coldly as possible.

"I will try to forget you.....but will you be able to move on...",Ankush said.

"I have forgotten you, can't you see I am engaged to someone indeed in the start it was just a fake engagement but I and jungkook really love each other so we decided to make it real and the pictures you saw are also real",I said.

"you are lying...you know this is the thing I like about you the most you can never lie properly, your eyes speak the truth, and they say you still have feelings for me,so stop pretending ",ankush said smiling at me.

"yes you are right I still have feelings for you but now it is just hatred, I hate you...",I said.

"no you are lying you love me....",Ankush said.

"Mr ankush pariyar if you keep repeating a lie it doesn't transform into a truth.",I said looking at him.

"y/n How long are you gonna lie ...you still love me you were just using that JK-PK to cover your lie",ankush said.

"I am not lying.....I love jeon jungkook not you and that's the truth ",I said which true although.

"just leave now....and don't you dare to come back again in my life ,because I managed to stop myself today, and I don't know What will I do to you If I see you again, I will do something which I will not even regret so leave ",I said to him and turned back.

"not until you say you love me",he said crying and making it hard for me to control myself.

I grabbed his hand forcefully pulled him towards the door and pushed him out then closed the door.

as I closed door and sat down on the floor I was not able to control my tears and started crying badly.
