
Useful In Life And Death.

Axec nodded in pride while Warshaw smiled triumphantly. Then the Shaman beaconed for her acolyte, who rushed up with some tools. They began building a makeshift altar inscribed with praises to the 9 Crowns. 

Torko's body was placed on this altar and offered as sacrifice to the 9 Crowns by the new chief. This was to be her first sacrifice as the new chief, and its acceptance will affect whether she will gain the support of the gods or not.

Or that's how it should be if the gods were in power. But in a situation where the gods need the acceptance of mortals, they have no choice but to accept her sacrifice. Legion certainly couldn't refuse her sacrifice after doing so much or so little to put her there. 

Torko's body was accepted. His body turned into golden dust and disappeared in front of everyone. The public display of the new chief making a sacrifice and the acceptance of the sacrifice made the number of believers in the 9 Crowns skyrocket immediately.
