
Next Step: Immortality.

Ragnarok is Legion's next move. If Legion-8 and the Supreme Alliance are not enough to tie down the dragons, then the bottomless abyss might just do the trick. It is just that in this case, the bottomless abyss is overkill.

For the first time in history, the entire dragon plane has been turned completely upside down. Even though Ragnarok is not using the boost of his shard of power, the abyss that he created reached the very top of the plane as a hurricane and reached down to its foundation as a pit. It is also spreading and will soon reach both the sphere of grayness and the mountain of wealth at the center of the plane. 

The chaos made Ragnarok and Legion happy. The look of frustration and anger on the dragons reminded them of their promise of chaos. Gehaldirah had the same look of frustration and anger when he was made to run away like a rat from the dragon in the trial. That dragon had a grin on its face and was smug. Now it is their turn to grin and be smug. 
