
What Was Lost.

The dragons don't think much of high elves at all. They just can't because high elves are the diminutive descendants of the ancient elves created with the energy of the dragon king.

Most of the properties the two ancient elves gained due to the energy of the dragon king were not inherited by the high elves, including the ability POWER stat that paragons should have.

The energy of the dragon king degenerated into Natural mana in high elves. It led to the loss of many abilities, which include the ability to enslave every creature, the ability to resurrect the dead, the ability to control the growth rate of any being, and the ability to copy the power of any creature.

The high elves can't enslave any creature anymore or siphon life from those creatures. They can only coarce and enslave beasts. Sentient creatures are beyond their capabilities and they can't even siphon the life force from beasts.
