
What Lies Beneath The Mountain.

"Let me see what this is all about?" He said and resumed his journey.

He decided to continue going forward since he didn't sense any threat or danger from the life forces. His fear melted while his curiosity peaked. He moved closer to the source of life and came upon a tall mountain.

He muttered thoughtfully. "This is weird. They are within the mountain and they are also calling to me."

He examined the mountain so he is sure that the mountain is the largest mountain that he has ever seen. He is also sure that the source of life is coming from within the mountain. It is coming from its base to be precise. He can't find any entrance be they tunnels or caves into the mountain. It is one solid block of frozen colossal rock. He would have turned away if he hadn't sensed something calling to him from within the mountain.

"This isn't a trap is it?" He asked himself. "I can't sense danger. Also, what are Warrogs doing so far to the north?"
