

as Lin touched zara again she run pretty fast zara also sprinted after her both of them were laughing while running seeing this min smiled to her self and left them alone to have some fun she likes zara and nothing matters as long as zara can smile so she left zara to Lin she knew her sister is a mood brighter.

Lin was trying to run as fast as possible but as expected zara was much flexible then her she caught up to her and grabbed her wrist both of them were panting and gasping for air they looked at each other and started to laugh zara feel so light she always feels this with Lin but as she held Lin hand now she also felt something similar when she is with reva but zara quickly pushed this thought away " zia this is not fair you can run to fast but I can't ." Lin pouted like a child seeing her zara felt like she is the most cutest person she wanted to hug her " well who is talking about fairness you were the one that started this game " zara smirked Lin was never the one who gives up easily so she suddenly looked behind zara with a suprised face said " highness Reva " hearing this zara face paled she immediately let Lin go and turned around to only see that there was no one she understood that Lin did this on purpose she turned to her direction but Lin had started running already like an shoted arrow zara also started to chase after her " Lin you should not run like this there are many branches you'll fall " but Lin was not listing to any words of zara suddenly Lin leg stuck in one of the branches she couldn't keep her balance but she managed to stop her fall she turned around at the same time zara who was running after her bumped into her making both of them fall suddenly zara lips touched Lin both eyes went wide like a saucer zara quickly moved her head Lin face was bright red when zara saw Lin she felt a mix of strange emotion suddenly Lin face changed she looked completely like Reva no difference zara seeing this zara was in a daze before she realise she started to move closer to Lin face and kissed her Lin was already pink from the previous accident now when zara kissed her by the will she got red all the way to her ear she closed her eyes tightly she gasped when zara suddenly bit on her lower lip .

after that suddenly a Bird flow past them zara broke the kiss she looked at Lin she no longer looked like Reva zara returned to her senses she was in uttar shock and disbelief she just kissed Lin she quickly got up Lin also got up and kept her head low not making eye contact with zara she was slowly cleaning the dust from her dress when zara said " i so sorry " with this zara left in hurry Lin face was red like beet she also went to her chamber where her sister is when Lin entered the chamber min saw her " what took you so lon..." min was shocked to see red face Lin " Lin what happened she also saw the bitemark on Lin lip hearing this Lin covered her face " we were running and bumped into each other and zara accidentally kissed me " min started to blink rapidly " what ? "

" not only that but after she kissed me by her will" as if hearing the first thing was not able to give a shock but she heard something more unbelievable " zara seriously are you joking ????" min asked in a raised voice Lin never saw min this shocked min is always calm and composed Lin just nodded her head min recovered from the shock and said" so the bitemark on your lip it is because zia " Lin again just nodded her head she couldn't form a word due to embarrassment .


zara was running like a mad person she quickly went to her chamber and locked the door she was glad that reva was not here .

zara thought " i can't believe I just kissed Lin what happened back there what strange feeling was it , it was a little same like when I see Reva and most importantly she blinked and remembered Lin looked like reva at that moment how is that even possible." she was so confused i think I am just getting mad because of stress i should sleep for a bit zara laid on the bed and drifted to sleep.

after a few hours when the Sun was setting she woke up she went toward the dining hall to have dinner she doesn't want to go because there she will be facing Lin but she have to eat she was starving .


at dining hall Reva and Lin , min were waiting for zara zara saw this ohhh please God don't let it be what I think . seeing everyone together she thought that reva know what she did if she knew it then her any chance to be with Reva will be finished she gulped thinking this she went near them but every thing was normal every person greeted her Just Lin blushed seeing zara nothing more maybe she didn't said anything to anyone .

zara sat on the chair and everyone started to eat after dinner zara went to her chamber there Rey was present he bowed his head in respect and said" queen zara advicer veer is planning to inject queen Reva with drugs and have her innocence stolen so as to prove that she is not capable to handle the position or power that come with marrying with you your highness" hearing this zara just wanted to cut veer head " that shameless moron half witted animal how dare he even think about it who did he give orders to do this ?'

" that we were not able to find out but they are going to do this tonight when queen Reva will have tea with the noble women's after dinner that why I came as soon as possible to give the news " after hearing this zara panicked they just had dinner Reva went somewhere but zara didn't pay much attention to it but now she knew where she is and she need to hurry before Reva drink the tea she quickly dashed out of the chamber and went toward tea garden she reached there in time Reva was just going to drink the tea but when she heard the footsteps she looked up she saw zara was standing there she went toward zara and asked" zia why are you here ? "

" I'll tell you later but first tell me did you drinked that tea "

Reva was confused" what??"

" i said did you drink the tea or not tell me quickly "

" uhh no we were just going to drink it but you came rushing in."

" good come with me "


" yes now let's go "

" zara there are many noble woman's that came to meet i can't just leave like this "

zara locked at them" can you all come tomorrow I want to spend some time alone with my queen " as zara said this every noble lady nodded their heads and left reva heard zara her cheeks flushed zara turned toward Reva took her hand and led her to their chamber Reva was getting more nervous zara closed the door behind them she held Reva by shoulder and said " Reva your tea had a drug in it it was veer he hired some people to stole your innocence " hearing this Reva was shocked so that was the reason why zara came rushing Reva felt so warm knowing that even when she pushed zara away like that zara still care about her Reva eyes were filled with tears at that seeing Reva teary eyes zara panicked" Reva what happened are you scared please don't cry i will protect you " she cursed veer in heart for making Reva cry Reva was more happy to see how zara was trying to comfert her "zia i am not crying because I am scared I am just happy that I have someone who cares for me thank you " zara heard this she smiled suddenly Reva hugged her " zia i also like you " hearing this zara was in disbelief if she heard right " Reva what did you just said ?? " seeing how zara was in disbelief Reva smiled and lefted her head looked zara in the eyes and said " i said i also like you " zara was grininig and brimed in happiness she lifted Reva up and started to swing her reva was laughing " zara stop please or I'll faint " zia also laughed they collapsed on bed zara was on top of Reva she looked in her eyes zara kissed her Reva closed her eyes at first zara was gentle but then she started to bit on Reva lips Reva gasped loudly zara broke the kiss Reva was red all over and breathing heavily zara found her more beautiful she pressed her lips on Reva throat Reva gasped from the sudden move " zia uhhhh ."

zara wanted to see Reva reaction she looked up but suddenly Reva face looked completely like min totally like min calm composed face of min zara got shocked she got up and distanced her self from Reva .

Reva who was still in daze got to her senses she found this behaviour of zara odd.

" zara what happened??"

zara again looked at Reva face now Reva face was as it is as before zara knitted her brow maybe it was just an illusion but then what is the cause of it .

" nothing I am just not feeling well " hearing this Reva got worried " do you have a fever let me see " she got close to zara and put her hand on her head a smile creped on zara face she held Reva and cuddle with her on the bed " " Reva let sleep like this today " Reva face flushed she nodded " okay " zara closed her eyes and drefted to sleep reva saw how cute zara looked she kissed her head lightly and also drefted to sleep.
