
Picking a husband for Queen part 2

zara was sitting in front of the mirror and getting ready for the picking contest which is going to happen honestly she only have one aim to make her brother child the future king but for this to happen she needed to make sure that the kingdom should stay in good shape as long as the little Prince manu can't take the responsibility as she was in her thoughts she noticed a small voice of walking she knew who this stalker was she smiled to her self and said

"little manu if I caught you again peeking at people secretly you should be ready for a punishment you know right "

hearing this the little child pouted "aunt you can't do that to me beside I am already unpset because of you " Zara raised her eyebrow clearly asking for what child?

the little Prince seems to understand this as he said " you are getting married and you didn't even tell me anything"

zara laugh "ohh you poor child okay I will pay for my mistake I will take you with me today at the selection process ok?? Happy now little one"

hearing this the little Prince was beside himself with joy. zara and the little Prince went to the hall where the selection process was held . Reva who was so nervous had came half the hour before the time given."calm down you just have to go give a bow to queen and get rejected and return home nothing else " she was saying this continuously to her self .

the selection process started Zara's Perspective" whoa this looks like I was right they literally planned everything, too bad not going to happen anything like that what you expect, so many people who lack physical strength and are poor not a single noble or riche person , good because I didn't want to handle those little brat seriously I thank you advicer veer but sorry I am not gonna marry your stupid son " zara already ordered rey to bring the son of royal advicer sonu so that even if she has to select best she would have the choice of a person who is loyal to her.

The selection involved 3 steps

1. the look and personality of the person will be judged by the Queen.

2. the person should contain atleast a special skill like music, knowledge,Art, singing anything .

3. finally the last step will be about the fighting skills.

the first and second stage weren't that hard but the last one in which the fighting skills will be tested that will be the real challenge because the opponent will be Rey yes the personal bodyguard of zara .

the process started people were going in one by one not a single person was from Nobel or rich except the son of royal advicer veer who's name was Sam the rumours were that Sam is also one of the best warrior in kingdom but was so cold and rude that people mistake him as egoistic.and there was also the son of advicer Nane Luka , he was like super famous in singing and sam music he can play any instruments as though they were made for him but he was hot head like a bull and get's provoked easily so he was no threats to Sam so advicer veer was planning to force queen marry his son Sam.

at hall zara was getting tired constantly rejecting people she was getting more and more impatient " seriously the line is sooo big I might die before the process end " she murmured to her self hearing this the little Prince giggled " seriously aunt you should let me interfere I will make good decisions unlike you you know " hearing this zara pinched the cheeks of the little Prince "You know manu you talk a lot and remember that tongue is sharp like knife so you should think before you speak or it can hurt a person " once again manu was confused by what zara is saying zara giggled seeing the expression on the face of little Prince.

Reva was nervously waiting for her turn when her name ( means her brothers name came) she made her way toward the hall she kept her head low so as to not show any one she reached in front of the queen. zara was first bored and was going to reject Reva when she noticed something is odd this boy seemed similar to someone she saw zara said " raise your head and come near "

hearing the orders of queen Reva was now frightened but she raised her head and started to walk toward zara just as she was going to take the last step she trepped on the last moment as she was falling she expected the hard floor bu again a pair of hands gripped her her eyes opened wide staring at the beautiful golden eyes of the Queen .

Zara mind " wait he is not he but she ,she is the same girl last time I saw on the ceremony and she was also falling there too whoa this girl has a big clumsy bone in her body although she is cute up close she looks more beautiful wait what am I even thinking so what is she doing here in the first place I think I need to know but if she goes now I might not see her but I need to investigate what the heck is actually happening but how" just as she was thinking Reva quickly stand up and was apologising for her mistake" zara looked at her zara knew she have to ask her who is she and what her purpose to come hare crossed dressed .

" you are selected now go towards the guest room of the palace and rest for tomorrow"

Reva's mouth hung open " no your highness I am not a good choice I..."

before she can continue zara said "what? are you trying to oppose me that I am wrong? The queen is wrong that's what you are saying . Reva was frightened " no no your highness I didn't mean that , I apologise " seeing how easily she got scared zara wanted to laugh but she controlled her self.

"so it decided now go the servant will guide you toward guest room." the servant appeared before Reva she doesn't wanted to go she wanted to say she is not a boy but a girl but if she said anything not only the Queen will get angry over her but also her brother will get punished for not obeying the orders. so as to not angre anyone she swallowed her word and bowed in front of zara and left with the servent.
