
The Fun Way to Learn Martial Arts

*In slow motion effect on*

"DODGE!". Garcia shouts.

Five of them quickly scatters. Arthur hold his ground and only do a sidestep. He successfully dodge the punch.

He smirk and look at their master but all he can see is an elbow going straight to his face. His eyes dilates 'Oh f**ck!'.

His face fully receives the elbow and got thrown out by it.

Arthur falls on the floor head first.


*Slow motion effect off*

Holding his face, Arthur looks at his master like he's gonna cry. "Master that's too mean!".

Jojo, their master just shakes his head "You know you have the instinct of a fighter. You're so natural but you're also an idiot".

-- Flashback Start --

2 months after the announcement of TNW.

Arthur is much slimmer after of his 2 months workout. He cab also do 40 repetition of sit-ups, push-ups and squats and 5 kilometers of jog now.

Arthur found a gym under the bridge that piques his interest and checks it out.

While checking it out. He saw five weird guys doing different kind of stances.

The one that looks like a playboy holds a wooden sword with a drawing stance.

The another that looks like nerd holds a metal hammer on attacking stance. His arms is shaking really hard.

The darker one wears a gauntlets and his doing an upside-down stance supporting himself with his two arms.

The one with a mysterious aura of an ancient holding a bow and stretching it really hard.

The last guy that looks so plain holdings a wooden daggers doing a running stance.

When Arthur analyzing them, he suddenly heard a shout from an old man "Go!".

They move and starts to fight. It's a battle royale fight giving Arthur a chill vibes. "AWEOSOME!...".

The old man heard him and look at him. Arthur saw him looking at him and tried to run but the old man open the door and calls him "Hey healthy piggy what do you want?".

Arthur is slimmer than before but he's still a chubby compare to the other five.

"Sorry for disturbing you sir. I'm just looking around for a gym that teaches martial arts. The place of the gym piqued my interest. That's why I'm here.".

"Oh... Then your in the right place. I teaches all kinds of martial arts... Let me check your body.".

He instantly gone besides Arthur and quickly lift his clothes and checks his muscles.

Arthur eyes dilates because of what happen. That kind of speed for an old man is too impossible. He only see those in anime 'He looks like more than 60 years old... My eyes can't even follow his speed'.

After the old man checking. Arthur instinct tells him to dodge. He move backwards and trip on a stone causing him to fall down. He see the old man throws a punch at him.

"Hoh... Not bad... You have only started working out but you got instinct.". The old man is impressed by him.

"You have passed. Let's go... I'll introduce you to the five idiots." Signaling him to come in to the gym.

Arthur enters the gym and see the five man lined up with a same age at him.

This playboy called Ram, this short nerdy guy is Garcia, this brown guy is Efim, this ancient man is Andrad and the plain fellow is Crist.

"Hi I'm Arthur Yearwood nice to meet you guys" Arthur bows at them nervously.

"Yo, nothing to get nervous about. You'll be one of the punching of master like us" Ram says and the other nods.

"Ok now that you know each other, let's start Arthur be ready. Btw I'm Jojo.". Arthur prepare himself to dodge and object their master movements.

Jojo adjusted his speed to checks Arthur reaction first. He run towards Arthur and throw several punches.

Arthur instinctively dodge the punches in an awkwardly positions but still shock himself 'Wow... I don't have any fighting experience but I can dodge it.'.

Impressed by himself. Arthur gain confidence and slowly adjusting his breathing and speed. He tried to predict the trajectory of the one punch. 'I can see his shoulders move before he throws a punch... '.

Arthur gets preoccupied because of his thinking and sees an incoming punch directly to his face 'I f**ked up'.


Arthur got thrown out by the punch and falls to the ground face first.

Arthur hold his face and look back to Jojo wanting to say something.

"Arthur you got instinct but you're also an idiot like them. Welcome to their club. From five to six idiots real quick".

"Hahaha! Welcome to the club!" Efim pats him on the back and congratulates him.

"So you're also an idiot. Welcome." Garcia congratulating Arthur while fixing his glasses.

"IDIOTS AHOO! AHOO!" Both Andrad and Crist shouted.


-- Flashback End --

"Haha dude. Do you remember your first time here? You received a punch there but you also got thrown out by it.". The five idiots are laughing at him.

Massaging his face, Arthur fix his clothes in a cool way and replies "I'm just fooling around".

Jojo stop their conversation and initiate to start their training "Ok idiots, wear your training clothes and let's start.

We will strengthen your muscles for your martial arts and you Arthur, your training will be the hardest one. First you're one year late compare to them and second, to make sure you can handle all weapons we had been training for.".

After changing they go to their designated place and start their training.

"Ram, use 20kg metal sword. Do one hour drawing stance. Still needle will hurt your arm moves." Placing the needle under Ram arms while doing drawing stance.

"After that do 1000 cuts and slashes then ten-kilometer run, ok?

"Yes master" Ram replies with a serious voice.

Efim, do one hour squat stance with this 20kg arm weight. Don't move or your ass virginity" Placing a needle under Garcia's butt.

"After that a thousand punch on this wood and ten-kilometer run.

Garcia, get the 30kg metal hammer and do attacking stance. Hold it for one hour" Placing needle under Garcia's arm.

"After that a thousand hit in this wood and ten-kilometer run.

"Andrad, do one thousand bow pulling, one thousand sidesteps and ten-kilometer run.

Crist, one thousand for each front, back and side steps. thirty minutes dagger attack sequence and ten-kilometer run.

Last Arthur, wear this 20kg arms weight and 20kg legs weight. Do a thousand for each steps, thousand cuts and slashes, thousand punch on this wood, thousand bow pulling, ten minutes dagger attack sequence and ten-kilometer run.

Dumbstruck Arthur eyes opens widely and his mouth open unconsciously "Is that even possible for me?".

"It is if you move now. MOVE!".

Arthur set up his phone and start songs for working out. He immediately do his assignment and shout "FOR ELVES!".

"FOR ELVES! AHOO! AHOO!" The five idiots answers.

-- At 3PM --

Everyone finished their last ten-kilometer run and lying on the floor gasping for air.


"I'm... alive...".


"Don't talk to me".



They stayed their for at least 30 minutes before Arthur slowly standing up with his shaking legs "See you tomorrow guys. I need to work.".

"Bye bye." The five emotionless replies.

Arthur wash himself and gone to his work after his gym training.

They all doing it for the six whole months.

-- After six months --

The six idiots fighting their master for their graduation ceremony. After a whole one hour and thirty minutes they successfully wins against their master. "Ahh I'm getting old... Congratulations idiots. You all are now masters of your martial arts. I'll see you in the game.".

The six idiots dumbfounded after hearing their master said.

"Are you going to play TNW master? Are you not too old for that? Is it safe for you?" Arthur says and the five nods.

Jojo hit Arthur on the head and replies "Of course! Age doesn't matter at TNW and I'm much healthier than you six combines... Go now I need to take care of things shoo shoo.".

After bowing to their master they take the leave and gone home.

-- Arthur's bedroom --

Arthur's enter the capsule he bought and wear the built-in helmet "Sync On.".

YES! I'm done with the first arc! The second one is coming. I'm so excited to share my storyline for this one hoho.


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