
Chapter &

After entering Sebastian's house, Akeno immediately dragged him upstairs to his room without waiting for approval.

The second she shut the door to his room, she pressed her lips up against his and pressed herself against his body. Akeno wrapped her arms around his neck before introducing her tongue to their kiss.

Of course, Sebastian was very willing to play this game. He replied with a similar ferocity, it only took a minute for their faces to be covered in each other's saliva.

After making out while standing for a good few minutes, Akeno pushed Sebastian onto the bed. With the strength being a devil granted her, it was easy to push him around.

Nevertheless, as soon as Sebastian fell down on the bed, Akeno stripped out of her clothes with a surprising proficiency. One second, he was falling and the next, he was looking at a naked Akeno.

"Like what you see?" She asked. Without being able to reply with words, Sebastian simply nodded and appreciated the sight.

Akeno may be the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He didn't have the mental clarity to think about it yesterday morning, but she may be perfect. Her body was curvy in every place it needed to, her waist was wide, holding a massive ass and dripping wet pussy. Her breasts could suffocate Sebastian without issue and her stomach was thin. Akeno was a perfect mix of the busty American stereotype as well as a Japanese queen with her cream white skin.

Seeing Sebastian's boner, Akeno didn't feel the need to delay it any longer. She immediately resumed their make out session, this time with the added arousal of Akeno being completely naked and her pussy dripping wet against Sebastian's pants and shirts.

"You're an amazing kisser." She praised. Sebastian quickly reached for his notepad.

"Not as amazing as you." He wrote.

"Nonsense. I only ever felt your massive cock against my ass after I got rid of my clothes. I got wet the second our lips touched." Akeno spoke. She grabbed the rims of his shirt and lifted it from his chest. Sebastian's perfect figure was revealed to her.

Instead of returning back to making out, Akeno began grinding her clean-shaven, dripping-wet pussy against his precisely sculptured abs.

"Ahhh, ah..." Akeno's soft moans filled the room. "I didn't think it was possible-ah.. to use abs to masturbate." She commented. After speaking, her hips only increased in speed while she waited for Sebastian to write his reply.

"I think you just invented it." He replied.

"Hmmm... I can't decide if I want to continue-ah, using your abs or if I want to move onto your face." She showed a malicious grin. The second after saying that, she separated her wet pussy from his stomach and crawled up to his face. "You aren't one of those people that don't like eating out women, are you?" Akeno asked before planting her pussy on his face.

'She's asking if I'm comfortable with it beforehand? Despite how confident and dominating she appears to be, she'd surprisingly sweet.' Sebastian thought to himself. Instead of wasting time grabbing his notepad again, he grabbed her firm ass cheeks with his hands and pulled her onto his face.

"Nghh." She moaned. The second her pussy made contact with his face, he inserted his tongue, massaging her insides. "Holy-" She stopped herself and held her head. "Fuck, that feels good."

"I swear to god-" She held her head again. "If you stop, I'll kill you." She threatened as she held back tears from the pleasure. Akeno gripped Sebastian's hair tight, pulling his head as far into her pussy she could.

With his hands still on Akeno's fat ass, Sebastian spread her ass cheeks and pressed his middle finger against her asshole.

"Ahh~, finger-fuck my ass later, I'm gonna cum!" She screamed as she tightened her grip on his hair and tensed her thick thighs. Akeno's eyes rolled back into her skull and her pussy ejected her juices straight into Sebastian's mouth.

"Haa... ha... are you ok?" Akeno asked after recovering from her orgasm. She saw that Sebastian gave her the thumbs up while licking up the pussy juice that stayed on his lips. Unfortunately, it covered his whole face.

Akeno jumped off the bed for a second with weak legs in order to get a towel. She wiped her cum off Sebastian's face while he gently played with her breasts.

"If you aren't careful, I might become the man in our relationship." Akeno giggled as she continued to clean his face. Akeno watched as Sebastian effortlessly stripped himself from his pants and underwear, revealing his massive cock.

Akeno threw away the towel and crawled in between his legs, getting the best view of his cock that she could, her breath irritating his head.

"The only thing missing from this dick is me~" Akeno flirted as she positioned her pussy to devour his dick. Much alike a bungee jump, the final act of taking the leap become much more daunting once confronted with the potential consequences.

'Will I be able to take this?' Doubts arose in her mind. Sebastian held her hips and guided her down. Being helped to take the leap finally gave Akeno the courage to lower her hips voluntarily onto his cock.

At first, their genitals simply pressed up against each other, however, after a second, Akeno felt that the tip of his cock spread apart her pussy lips and effortlessly slid into her pussy. The further in he went, the weaker Akeno felt.

Unfortunately, at a certain point, she couldn't help but stop. Sebastian noticed blood at their point of intersection.

'Akeno's a virgin? I knew she had a soft side to her, but a virgin? The girl that popped up in my bed only to stare at my dick for a while?' Despite his blown mind, he handled the situation well.

"Should we stop here?" He asked.

"Just give me a second. I'm a devil, my pussy will adapt to your amazing cock in a second." Akeno spoke as she rested her body on his, Sebastian's cock still half-way in her pussy.


While Akeno adjusted to his size, Sebastian marked his territory by giving her a couple of hickeys to show off to the rest of school when they went to school tomorrow.

After a minute or so, Akeno began lightly moved her hips again. She sat back up and returned to trying to take the remaining of his length.

"Fuck... you're gonna split me apart..." She spoke. "...and I'm going to love every second of it." She smiled.

After a few more agonizing seconds, Akeno had successfully taken his full length. She even had to make room by letting the tip of his cock penetrate her womb, which hurt significantly less than she thought it would.

They didn't need to speak to each other to know what would happen next. Akeno immediately lifted her hips, bringing her pussy with her and freeing Sebastian's cock. The second it looked like they'd disconnect, Akeno pushed her hips down once again, taking his full length in her pussy.

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the house and Akeno's moans filled the neighbourhood. The more they thrusted, the faster they became. It got to a point where both of them were desperately pressed against each other with continuing their sex frenzy as their only goal.

They rolled around in the bed, exchanging liquids from both halves of their bodies.

"How-ah, am I-Ngh, supposed to act dominant-Ahhhh, when you fuck me this well?" Akeno complained with a massive smile on her face.

It only took a few more thrusts for Akeno to cry out.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" She yelled as her body contorted in pleasure, Sebastian joined her, painting her insides with his seed.

The second she came, a similar image to how Akeno looked when he ate her out. However, there was a big difference this time- Akeno let out two wings from her back.

One black, angelic wing exited the left side of her back, and a familiar bat wing exited the right side of her back. The second Akeno recovered from her orgasm, she realized what she'd done.

Immediately, she separated herself from Sebastian.

"Nononono. You shouldn't have seen that." She spoke while crawling to the other side of his bed.

Recognizing the horror and regret in Akeno's eyes weren't caused by his actions, Sebastian thought of the best way to deal with this situation.

"Lie down with me." He spoke aloud. Sebastian did his best to ignore the taste of iron in his throat as Akeno's still naked body crawled back into his arms.

Despite realizing that she had been forced to re-enter his arms, Akeno didn't have any intention of leaving. She lowered her head onto his chest and did her best to calm herself down.

(A.N. Hehehehe. Your sex scene has been interrupted by everyone's favorite thing; Trauma!)
