
Final Act I: the awakening

Minutes before the opening of the portals...


Hugo grabbed Azazel's long silver hair up in front of him. The part of Azazel's left eye and the entire left side of his head was still trying to grow once again. It was almost amazing and dreadful at the same time that nothing seemed to really work on Azazel.

No matter how Hugo punched and dismembered him, Azazel would simply grow his limbs back. Although he noticed that it now took time for the child of evil to regenerate now.

"You look exhausted." He pointed out, seeing the healing bruises across the vampire's face. 

"So are you." Azazel spat at his face and sneered, licking his fangs. 

Hugo closed his one eye as if Azazel's spit reached it when it only reached his cheek. "Fucking bastard." 

"What? Giving up on..." Azazel suddenly trailed off as his forehead creased. Hugo obviously noticed the slightest change in his expression. 
