
[Bonus chapter]Long live the King

Unlike the wedding ceremony, the event right after took more time than Aries expected. The three ministers who used to hold a great power went through the effort of making it a proper passing of the crown. Joaquin was amazing, especially when some of these noblemen were known to stay in the middle and weighed the problems fairly. 

But now, here they were, giving their blessing and swearing their loyalties to the new emperor and empress. While doing so, they wrapped the two new rulers of the land with a royal mantle, tying it in the front delicately. Afterward, they passed them golden batons after chanting what they were for and the weight of holding such power. Many more minutes later, Joaquin lowered his head instead of bending his knees to humble himself in the presence of the crown. 

However, Joaquin and Aries had already skipped a lot of steps in their wedding, and this act of impudence surprised no one.
