
First Disqualification

"What are you then?" Matilda asked with a confused expression on her face.

"I am not there with you, this is a machine created to help me get here without being here," Jude said.


"Let me explain," Layla said with a low voice after turning her gaze to Jude.

"Okay," Jude said.

"Hello, Matilda, this is Lieutenant Layla, a friend of Jude's," Layla said as her voice resounded through the drone's speakers.

"Lieutenant Layla? Where did Jude go?" Matilda asked as she was getting more confused the more they tried to explain things to her.

"I'm still here," Jude said.

"What is going on?" Matilda asked looking at the drone with a confused expression on her face.

"Nothing is wrong Matilda, at least not on our end," Layla said. "What you're looking at now is what we call a drone in my world. Just like Jude said, the drone is only a means to get here and communicate with people like you without actually moving, it is only a machine, it's not a living thing."
