
She's Here For Luis

Silvia had quickly made her way out of the arena after she had seen Ella getting carried out of the arena and now she was heading to the clinic to see how her best friend was doing.

She arrived at the clinic to see Serene cleaning the wounds on Ella's shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Silvia asked as soon as she had gotten close to Serene.

"She's lost a lot of blood but she'll be okay," Serene said as she threw a ball of cotton wool covered in blood into the bin beside her.

"Is she your friend?"

Silvia turned to where she had heard the voice come from to see John looking at her from where he was sitting.

"Yeah," Silvia replied.

"You're the young Wonder Warrior right?" Serene asked.

"Yeah," Silvia replied.

"A wonder warrior with a crazy explosion attack and a girl with a crazy lightning ability that's some crazily powerful friendship duo," John said.

Silvia didn't say anything as she tried to keep her gaze on Ella's shoulder which Serene was wrapping a bandage around now.
