
Worse Than The Last

"Owwwwww." Luis groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.

"I warned you," Michael said and took a sip from his drink.

The most annoying part of everything for Luis was that all those attacks would be enough to destroy a lot of demons but it had not been able to make a dent on the padlock and the shelf it was protecting.

But still, he couldn't deny the fact that Michael had warned him before he started attacking the padlock.

"Are you looking for any way to get a pure blade?" Luis asked as he walked up to him.

"Not actually but I am trying to see if there are other ways to break a shadow enchantment," Michael said.

"Can't you just buy one?" Luis asked.

"I could," Michael said. "But money doesn't grow on trees Luis."

"So the book is going to remain locked until you find another way to break the enchantment ."

"It's either that or you could keep working in the library, raise a few more coins, and maybe I could help you get a pure blade," Michael said.
