
A Fair Challenge

[ Daily task completed ]

[ Get eight hours of sleep ]

[ 10 EXP granted ]

[ 670/1500 EXP ]

Luis was greeted by his normal alarm which reminded him that he was still far away from leveling up, but with each passing day, he was inching closer.

His quest of eating vegetables for twenty-four hours didn't seem to be active again after he became a Demi-Angel.

Since becoming a Demi-Angel his body felt different before and never required food unless he did something as tiring as what they did yesterday.

Getting up from his bed Luis didn't waste time to start getting ready for the day.

Ace and Dylan woke up to find Luis getting dressed to leave.

He had left yesterday during the evening and they never saw him return until they both fell asleep.

Now he was up before them and was already leaving.

"Luis." Ace called.

"Oh, hi guys I just want to be in class early today, have some things to sort out," Luis explained the reason he was leaving so early before they asked.
