
A poet's gift

"What about a series of words, a poem perhaps?" John suddenly voiced out. Everyone turned their heads to him in slight surprise. Yet, when they all thought about his suggestion, one by one they all began to nod.

"I like that idea!" Percival said with a smile.


"Me too"


Everyone voiced their approval. I felt that it wasn't enough, to make it even better, I decided to make it more intimate. There would be one slightly bigger flower, and when she kissed it, a poem would be carved into the space in front of her similar to how Voldemort did in the chamber of secrets when writing his name. It was pretty much the same thing.

It was cheesy, but I thought it would be quite a nice touch. The Poem though was the difficult part, I had read a few poems in both this life and the previous one, but would any of them fit?

I wracked my brains for a while in silence as everyone else stared at me expectantly.

It was only about ten minutes later that I finally came up with something. It was something someone had said before, but more an amalgamation of a few short poems. I felt embarrassed as I thought about the words I was about to write. But in a sense, they were the truth, from the bottom of my heart. What I truly felt after a year together. But it was by no means an exceptional piece, I was no poet so I didn't know how it would work out.

As I wrote, there was some slight noise coming from the group. Especially from Jenna, even Abby was astounded and hummed gently to signal her agreement.

I continued to write, but my eyes were now closed, I needed to visualise the memories that went along with what I was saying in order to convey the right emotion. I didn't know if a girl 13 years of age would truly understand and appreciate the complex emotions embedded within this, but I knew that Hermione was more mature than her peers, that was, after all, what brought us together and what allowed the two of us to be friends with each other. We cherished the deep and meaningful conversation we couldn't share with our still immature peers.

About ten minutes passed as I slowly wrote, sometimes I stopped to better grasp where I wanted to go before continuing. By the time I finished and awakened from my trance-like state, I realised there was a slight heaviness in the room.

I turned to my friends only for them to stare back at me with complicated expressions. There was a mixture of excitement, amazement and admiration but there was also traces of sadness and understanding.

We were all silent for many moments before Percival spoke.

"I… I didn't know she was so important to you. When you told me about her, I was only thinking she was a friend, maybe a crush that you had an affinity with. But to think she had that much of an impact on you.

I don't know what you have been through, and I'm sure you will tell me… tell us, when you're ready, or at least I hope so. But just know that we have your back man. We haven't been together for long, but I feel like I've known you for much longer." Percival said with some emotion. Everyone nodded in acknowledgement. What he said seemed to perfectly encapsulate what they thought.

Only Fred was different. He understood more than anyone what I had been through, I had told him a bit about my situation back on the beach. So his gaze was more complicated, yet there was no pity in it, only determination and support. Like he was trying to tell me that there was only up from here.

I nodded at everyone before placing the piece of paper in my bracelet. I would need to do some fine-tuning on it before having it made.

We spent the rest of the day hanging around the common room before going to sleep.

The next morning was a Saturday, we didn't have school and therefore slept till late.

The blissful sound of rain hitting the window surrounded me from every direction. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a rainbow outside, birds dancing as if the rain didn't bother them in the slightest, and the bright sunlight shining through the droplets on the glass pane refracting the warm light into an array of colours so beautiful I was left dazzled for a moment.

It was in these brief moments, that one must learn to cherish the beauty of this world. I got up and gently opened the window and sucked in a lung full of air. The smell of damp wood from the frame of the window, the smell of morning dew and the gentle breeze carrying the unique fragrance of flowers made my body light and blissful.

I stood there, silently with my eyes closed, listening to the orchestra of natural noises compounding on each other. Most of the time it was messy and unorganised like a band of school kids who didn't know how an instrument worked.

But there were split seconds where everything seemed to fall into place and a heavenly sound fell upon my ears.

I closed the window soon after so as to not wake everyone else up. I had a busy day today. I had to apparate back to Diagon Alley in order to get the bracelet that I wanted made in time. I would enchant it personally but making it and adding the space inside it was something I couldn't do and was better left to professionals.

I walked towards my bed again and swiftly got changed into a pair of sky blue jeans and a slightly bigger grey jumper that was somewhat baggy around my torso. I wore a black hat and put on some vans.

Just as I was getting ready I heard some rustling behind me. Everyone had woken up due to my clamouring and stared at me blankly for a moment.
