
A history lesson with the family

"Ok, go on, we're listening," said Diana with a nod.

"Well, how to start. I remember everything. The day I was born, the months I spent with my real parents, and I especially remember their deaths," I paused to let them digest that. Luke's face fell drastically, Diana had tears welling in her eyes.

"S-so your saying, you remember everything?" Luke repeated my words.

"Yes, I know that I am adopted, I know that my father was Lance, and my mother was Nina, I also had a brother named Theo; All of which were killed by certain people because of my last name, Pendragon, and the secret they carry." I said slowly and calmly.

"I understand why you put up this spell," said Luke with utmost seriousness. I nodded at his words.

"Does this have something to do with why you asked to go to Hawaii?" asked Diana. I nodded once again. "Correct, that is why, but there is also another matter that's connected to that one. I must transfer to the magical school in America for a special reason…" I paused for a moment, "I appreciate all which you have done, you cared for me, and raised me as your own even when I wasn't." I said truthfully. I owed them a lot.

"To us, you are one of our own. Blood has nothing to do with it," said Diana emotionally. Luke nodded at her words.

"And I thank you for that. I will not say more until after I have placed a series of charms on you both. They will hide the information I will tell you later from others. It will also stop you from accidentally spilling them." I spoke. It was very similar to the fidelius charm, but it was simpler. It was actually a series of charms, one on the tongue, and one on the brain. The charm placed on the tongue would stop the speaker from divulging certain topics.

It reminded me of the sealing justsu Danzo placed on his root soldiers from Naruto.

The charm placed on the brain would stop the target from spilling the selected information via mind reading.

Drak said that it worked the same just that it was much more impractical if used for mass spreading of information. But since that was not the case it was perfect to use. Luke and Diana nodded seriously, they understood that the magical world was not something to be trifled with.

Seeing them agree I got straight to work. I placed the charm on both their tongues and specified the information to be blocked. Naturally, it was anything relating to the pendragon family, or my real origins. As soon as they were completed, I tried to get them to speak about it with our neighbour since it was the only other person that was easily accessible. It wouldn't work if they spoke to me since I specified that they could speak freely in my presence about such subjects.

And the result was perfect. Diana who was chatting with the neighbour's wife couldn't speak a word about my origins or the pendragon family when she tried to bring it up. It was like it was stuck in her throat. Luke did the same with the husband, but it provided the same result. Success. I was very happy with it since that was on more barrier stopping others from knowing my secrets.

I then proceeded to the most important one. The charm that was placed on the brain. Naturally there was no harm in it, and it was also done smoothly. The great thing was that it was more theoretical than it was practical. That was why I didn't need much time to get it right when Drak passed me the information.

When I tried to use Legilimency I was easily able to penetrate their minds, but I was not able to see anything relating to the pendragons. Even Lance my father which I knew they knew about was not there. It was like they never met. I was very content with the result since with this, they could not be in danger in case they were probed. Having done all of that we sat back at the table, redid the muffliato spell and began to talk.

"The secret of the pendragon family is that we have a dragon sealed inside of a descendant at any one given time. His name is Drak and he has been with my family since several millennia ago. He was sealed inside of me automatically when my father died that night," I said pausing for a moment.

Luke was downcast at the mention of Lances death. Diana patted his shoulder softly. I then began to talk to them about our history, and how my family lived and what happened to the other dragons. It was not until the sun had set when the talks finished.

"So, you're telling me that you are like some type of dethroned royalty?" asked Luke incredulously.

I never really thought about it that way. "I guess you could say that in some way. We were the first official wizarding family, and it terms of power, well, Liam was the strongest, but it all went downhill with his death. But that isn't the point. The reason I'm telling all of this is so that you understand why I need to go to America."

I explained that it had something to do with Drak and getting more control over my power. I explained that the reason I was going to Ilvermorny was for the key and that I would be back by January. What surprised me was that they were supportive of it.

Luke who noticed this shook his head.

"Don't be so surprised. You have trusted us with such a secret, the least we can do is support you. We also understand the importance of the key to you and your family and whatever it is that's hidden in that vault. So go for it. we will provide you with the funds to buy all you need for schooling there. Thank god these magical schools are actually free though," said Luke with a sigh of relief. That was one thing that took me by surprise when I found out.

It seemed that the magical schools in American and England at least, were free. The ministry provided the funds for the operation of the school. A very odd way since most people would go down the route of a profiteer. And having hundreds of magical kids entering your school must have the potential to rake in some serious cash. Who knew what was going on the heads of these wizards?
