
Bark for your food

"S—Sir? Can I live here with you—"

"No, I'll kick you out after one week. Don't even think about staying here for a long time," Junshik denied ruthlessly.

He refused to be entangled with anyone, especially after what he experienced in the past.

"Wu…" Alpheus looked down in sadness. He nodded, but in his head, he was already thinking of a trick to extend his stay.

Since Sir Junshik Hyung likes his trick as werepom, then he'd entertain him!

'Surely, this will work!' Alpheus thought in his heart.


It was noon, and Junshik had a class in the evening. Thankfully, it was an online class, so he didn't need to leave his apartment again. He was afraid that Alpheus might create another mess if he left.

"Can you eat something cooked?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" Alpheus nodded excitedly. "But I still prefer the raw taste of blood, Sir! Especially when I just killed my prey and ripped the neck! It's the best first taste, Sir!"

How could he say that thing with a happy and proud face? Junshik started imagining this clueless guy as a wild beast, a werewolf that could rip a human's neck in only one bite.

And then he remembered how this 'beast' turned into a black Pomeranian, and that image of wild beast vanished instantly.

Junshik sighed, he didn't sign up to take care of a big clueless man like this, but he accepted Alpheus anyway.

Junshik took a pack of raw meat he bought from the grocery today, then put it on a plate.

"You like this stuff?"

"Sir, that looks amazing!" Alpheus said excitedly. He stared at the plate of red meat with awe, and his tongue stuck out like a real dog. At this point, he might salivate.

A mischievous idea popped out in Junshik's mind after seeing that eager expression, he put the plate on the table. Once Alpheus was about to grab it, Junshik held him by grabbing his neck.

Alpheus didn't feel pain at all, but he got confused, "Sir?"

"Who said that you can get this for free? You know fresh meat is so expensive in this world, right?"

"A—Ah, then what can I do, Sir! Alphie is willing to do anything! I'm hungry!"



"I said bark like when you're a werepom and beg for that food earnestly," Junshik ordered. "Oh, you can get more meat if you act like a dog too."

Alpheus was confused about such a request. It was weird because nobody ever requested him to bark like a dog in human form.

'Isn't that weird?' Alpheus thought. Especially since his human form is the form he'd use as a king in the future in his kingdom… although he didn't know whether his kingdom was still intact or not right now.

But facing that good red meat, he couldn't hold it.

'It's… it's okay, only Sir Junshik Hyung can see me right now, right?'

Alpheus then nodded and slowly kneeled on the ground. He put his palms on the floor and used his knees to prop himself, making a dog posture.

"Heads up," Junshik ordered.

Alpheus looked up towards Sir Junshik Hyung, then his heartbeat skipped for a second.

Because Sir Junshik Hyung looked down on him with his glare. Sir Junshik Hyung had a sharp gaze, and when he got looked down like this, Alpheus imagined that Sir Junshik Hyung was giving him a gaze full of contempt.

And that feeling… was strangely exhilarating.

"S—Sir?" Alpheus wasn't sure of this strange feeling in his heart. He wasn't sure of what to do.

"Do you want your lunch?"

"Yes, Sir…" Alpheus continued staring at Sir Junshik Hyung. Of course, even his naive self knew this was so degrading. He was the future king, after all, despite all his antics.

But when facing someone like Sir Junshik Hyung, he realized that Junshik Hyung had some kind of absolute magic inside.

'Sir… Sir Junshik Hyung must be a mage, an ultra-powerful mage! How can I feel like this is okay?!'

'Did he manipulate my mind? So mean! I just want to stay for an indefinite time until it's safe to return, wuwu….'

Junshik looked down at Alpheus with interest in his heart. He wouldn't lie that he liked an obedient dog… both in human and real dog form.

He picked up a piece of meat and then waved it in front of Alpheus, "Do you want this?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Who told you to speak? I told you, if you want this, you must bark!"

Alpheus gulped out of nervousness. His body was tense all over after Sir Junshik Hyung raised his voice, but he was hungry… he wanted meat, a lot of it.

"Woof…" Alpheus barked in a low voice, feeling embarrassed that his dignity was sold by a piece of meat.

"Louder! Do you want this or not?!"

