
Chapter 103: Felecia

FELECIA HUGGED HER KNEES to her chest. There wasn't a lot of room behind the metal support beam. If one of those men looked this way in just the right angle, they'd catch sight of her.

She'd avoided two groups of men, no more than four people, thus far. They all seemed frazzled and panicked.

The echoes of gunfire were abating. No doubt Evan's people were systematically working their way through the building. There were only six of them. She couldn't wait to be found. She had to keep moving.

"Let's go," one said.

Feet pounded on the concrete, the noise fading.

She peered behind her into what had been an office before walls were removed.

Alone again.

She preferred it this way.

Felecia got to her feet and grabbed the piece of rebar she'd found to serve as a weapon. So far she hadn't been seen, but she doubted that would last. Her father's men would know her on sight and they'd try to take her with them.

There were only three ways out of the space.

The door she'd come through.
