
Messed Up Their Friendship

Music Recommendation:- Overpass Graffiti - Ed Sheeran. 


It took a lot of convincing for Marcel to go for the scan, especially after that drama with Mimi. But then, Ezra stepped in and stopped her emotional friend from doing more damage. Only then, was he able to leave with the doctor and promised to be back as soon as he was through. 

The slap left Arianna so emotionally drained that she did nothing but sit down on the bench all alone and waited for the news on Victor while Marcel underwent treatment. 

To be honest, Arianna was not mad at Mimi for hitting her but rather at herself for keeping the truth from her. She had good intentions for keeping the truth from Mimi though. Her friend was in the first trimester and shouldn't be stressed since there was a higher risk of a miscarriage. Victor's Incident was shocking and she was merely looking out for Mimi.
