
He Was Too Late

He could not fight them, Marcel knew that. Not without reinforcement, that would be a suicide mission. Even if he did have reinforcement, it would only end up causing a gang war which would only end up bloody. 

So Marcel requested instead, "Can I see her?" 

It was the only way to make sure that Winters was not hurt and that they were treating her well. As far as he knows, the girl did nothing wrong and they were the ones who refused to believe him. Fine, they could do whatever they wanted in the name of investigation, but no harm was to come to Winters, else it would be a full-blown war. 

Winters was merely an associate, but to Marcel, she was family and part of the gang. Anyone that touched her was indirectly disrespecting him at the same time. He sighed, no wonder his father said he was weak - he worked with the sentiment. But then, Marcel refused to believe that empathy for the right people was foolishness. 
