

Shouki didn't want to interfere in personal matters regarding Katsuki's plans with Cellina. He also didn't know for sure what the two of them were planning, he didn't know what agreement the two of them had made.

But whatever the deal was, it didn't seem reasonable to Shouki. The way they carried out the plan that Shouki still didn't understand.

But instead of paying attention to that, Shouki was more focused on making Katsuki start to open up again to the people around him. He had to start slowly.

If he went straight to Katsuki's house, it would be very clear that Shouki had been stalking him all along without Katsuki knowing. He has to act a little.

Now Katsuki is in the center of the East Village. It feels more comfortable there than Nevada or Florida. The atmosphere there although it looks not as busy as other cities, but there the environment feels friendly and comfortable.

Katsuki is sitting in the city park sipping coffee, coffee is the drink he likes very much. No wonder he is often seen drinking coffee in one day. If humans do such habits, complications will occur, because Katsuki drinks coffee at least five times a day.

Gosh, even he only eats three times a day. Apparently dai is really a coffee enthusiast.

Katsuki then enjoyed the garden with a leisurely walk. He was completely unaware of Shouki's presence there. Shouki walked not far from where Katsuki was. Shouki walked over to Katsuki who was also walking in the park. Katsuki who was looking at the park visitors who were relaxing smiled and kept walking until he didn't realize that someone had bumped into him.


"Ouch." Katsuki fell down on the grassy ground. The werewolf can also feel pain when he is in human form. Katsuki grimaced as his butt directly hit the ground as he fell.

"Are you all right---Katsuki? You're here apparently."

Katsuki who was stroking his own waist immediately looked up when he heard Shouki say that. Katsuki didn't expect to meet Shouki here. Even though he had not contacted anyone and turned off his social media until then. But Shouki can still find it.

Yes of course. It was quite easy for Shouki. Moreover Katsuki had not left the country, it was quite easy to find him. Although it had to be a little difficult at first because it didn't have the slightest clue about Katsuki's whereabouts.

"Stay away from me, you're blocking me," Katsuki replied while shaking Shouki's hand roughly.

Katsuki got up and stood up, he cleaned his clothes from the dust that had stuck to him from falling earlier.

"Katsuki, I---"

Katsuki had already left Shouki, he didn't want to be involved in any conversation with Shouki. He didn't want Shouki to ask him too many questions.

"Wait Katsuki, I want to talk for a while. I've been looking for you for days and finally we can meet. I was very worried about you until now," said Shouki while chasing Katsuki. He stepped a little faster than before, so he could walk beside Katsuki.

Katsuki stopped, then turned around and looked at Shouki with displeasure. "Can you not mind my life? I need some time alone. Whether you come here or not won't help me."

"I will continue to approach you, try to talk to you and help you. I know you need someone to be a place to complain to. You always keep everything to yourself. You must reduce the burden in your heart by pouring out your feelings to other people," said Shouki.

"Shut up! Stop bothering me. I don't like it when people keep bothering me and stalking like a crazy stalker. Every day watching people and watching from a distance. That's ridiculous," said Katsuki rebuking Shouki. "I'm sick of it, I can't even smile freely inside my own house."

Shouki understood, he already felt that Katsuki was starting to lure him into slipping. If Shouki followed the direction of this conversation it would be discovered that he had been following Katsuki secretly until now since that day.

"I will always look for you, Katsuki. You disappeared without a word, I was worried and couldn't calm down. And now I met you in person. What a coincidence that makes me very grateful," explained Shouki. It was no denying that he was looking for Shouki, but it was not honest that he had known about Katsuki's whereabouts all along.

"It's up to you. I'm sick of you. You always come without me wanting to. If you really want to follow me, I won't stop you. But don't say anything to me. I'll pretend you're not around me."

Shouki wanted to check something, he remembered about Katsuki's conversation with Cellina. It seems that his attempt to say that he is not stalking Katsuki also still won't be believed by Katsuki. So let's just be honest. But this time he would be slightly amused and benefited here.

"How about your plan to destroy Eijiro?"

Katsuki flinched, he gaped and didn't react after that. It seemed that he was really surprised when Shouki heard that.


Katsuki immediately approached Shouki and grabbed Shouki's collar. "Whatever you know, don't talk too much and never say that to Eijiro. If you say it you'll--"

"I'll tell you if you keep avoiding me."

"You damn it, Shouki!" Katsuki's face twitched in annoyance.
