
Chapter 26: Overview and Meeting Falcon

(AN: I will just leave this note here for you guys. His S.H.I.E.L.D Agent clone is going to be scouted by S.H.I.E.L.D a couple months after the avengers. But was created before the invasion, so he has been building the background for him for a while. Also as a side note: Webnovel won't let me edit my Author's Thoughts, and I have recently rearranged my chapters to make more sense, so some of the Author's thoughts are going to seem like nonsense.


Seth's clones had been busy during his time touring the nine realms and his Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D has made the most progress. He was originally part of a Covert Ops Team, but was later made a part of Caps Black Ops team. He had spent two years as part of this team and had shown that his "Angel Powers" gave him Cap like strength, but stronger and he became one of the top three operatives right up there with Natasha and Steve himself.


(Early morning in DC)

Sam Wilson is going for a run in DC and eventually hears the sound of running steps behind him.

"On your left!"(Steve)

"On your left!"(Luke)

Sam sees two guys run past him and are running better and faster than even Olympic athletes.

Sam continues to run and is passing the Thomas Jefferson Memorial when he hears the sound of steps again.

"On your left!"(Steve)

"On your left!"(Luke)

"Uh-huh. On my left. Got it!"

Sam is running by The Reflecting Pool when he hears it again and this time he was getting annoyed.

"Don't say it! Don't y'all say it!"

"On your left!"(Steve)

"On your left!"(Luke)

"Come On!!!"

Sam eventually starts gasping for air and then starts to walk.

Steve and Luke then see Sam resting by National Mall and 3rd Street Southwest.

"Need a medic?" Steve says.

"Or an ambulance?" Luke says after.

"Hahaha. I need a new set of lungs." Sam says inbetween breaths.

"Dude, y'all just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes." Sam continued.

Luke looks between Sam and Steve and says with a wide grin. "Well, we did get a late start."

"Really, you both should be ashamed of yourselves, y'all should take another lap. Did you both just take it, I assume you both just took it." Sam said jokingly.

"What Unit are you with?" Steve says, noticing the Unit Crest on Sam's sweatshirt.

"58th Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA." Sam answered.

"Sam Wilson." Sam says while putting his hand out for some help up.

"Steve Rogers." Steve answers.

"Groans. Yeah, I kinda put that together." Sam says while still tired.

Sam then looks at Luke and puts his hand out for a shake. "And you are?"

"Luke Grey." Luke says with a smile.

"Luke Grey? THE Luke Grey?!?!" Sam says stunned.

"The one and only." Luke says laughing.

"You've heard of him?" Steve asks Sam.

"Yeah, best under 25 UFC championship 4 years ago." Sam said with pride almost as if it was his accomplishment.

"Oh right! I forgot you were in UFC before." Steve says clarity hitting him.

"That's right. But if I'm being honest, it's kind of a time I'd rather forget. I wasn't the best person at the time."

"Hey you may have had some problems with anger, but you just had a lot of unresolved issues." Steve said trying to make Luke feel better.

"Yeah, I know it's just bad memories." Luke says back while scratching the back of his head.

"Anyways. Must've freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing." Sam said to Steve.

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to. Nice to meet ya Sam." Steve says as he starts to turn around.

"And Luke, the way you took out Ramone Willis, damn I wish I could've seen it in person." Sam then said to Luke.

"Yeah, I appreciate the praise. But if I'm being totally honest, the fight was so easy I forgot the guy was actually the previous champ." Luke said.

Sam just nodded as he could remember how Luke wasn't even out of breath at all during the fight. Sam then quickly said to Steve as he was walking away. "It's your bed, right?"

"What's that?" Steve asked as he turned back to Sam.

"Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground, use rocks as pillows like a caveman. Now I'm home, lying in my bed and it's like..." Sam said.

"Laying on a marshmallow. Feel like I'm going to sink right to the floor."

Sam nods and chuckles quietly.

"How long?" Steve asks.

"Two tours. You must miss the good ole days huh?" Sam says.

"Well, it's not so bad. Food's a lot better. We used to boil everything. No Polio is good. Internet, super helpful. I'm on it everyday trying to catch up." Steve says.

"Marvin Gaye 1972 Troubleman soundtrack. Everything you missed, jammed into one album." Sam says as Steve takes out a notepad.

"I'll add it to the list." Steve says as he writes it down on the notepad.

Just then, Luke and Steve get a notification tone on their phones and both see a text that says. {MISSION ALERT: EXTRACTION IMMINENT. MEET BY THE CURB.}

"Alright Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that's what you like to call running." Steve says smiling.

"Yeah if you ever want a lesson in proper form, let me know." Luke says with a smirk.

"Oh, ho, so it's like gonna be like that huh?" Sam says

"Yeah, it's gonna be like that." Steve says laughing as Luke just laughed with him.

"Any time you wanna stop by the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know." Sam said.

"I'll keep it in mind." Steve said.

Just then Natasha pulled up to the curb in her car. "Hey fellas, anyone know where the Smithsonian is, I'm here to pick up a fossil."

"That's very funny." Steve says as he moves the seat for Luke.

Natasha then has a wide grin as she sees Luke. "And I guess you were bird watching?"

"Y'know it wasn't funny the first time you told the joke Nat." Luke said while laughing before turning back to Sam.

"It was nice meeting you Sam. Keep workin on that run."

Sam just laughs it off and gets ready to head home.
