
The Tea Party Part 2

Sister? S..so if Lady Winifred was Aunt Caitlin's sister, did that make her Aunt Winifred? How is that even possible? They looked so far apart in age. How was it that this woman was Aunt Caitlin's sister? Or was the gray in her hair a natural color and I just assumed she was old because of that? Could I have jumped to a conclusion.

"Aunt Caitlin, is Lady Winifred really your sister? Does that not make her my Aunt Winifred?"

"I am indeed her twin sister, girl, but I am not your aunt. If you are indeed Sir Dominic's niece, then you are only related to my sister by marriage and therefore hold no relation to me whatsoever. Do not even begin to think that we are family in any sense." The woman snapped at me so angrily that I actually flinched.

"Winnie, I do not like this behavior from you. Please, stop this now. If you don't, I will have to ask you to leave." I did not expect Aunt Caitlin to say that at all. She would kick her own sister out for me? Why? Why would she do that?
