

Lucas found himself in a warm embrace of someone.

First, he was confused but soon realised that it was his karma that brought him this result.

Last night at the car,

" You just have to sleep with me," Adrian whispered these exact words in his ears.

Now he was being squeezed out of his life by this giant dog whose sleeping position was still as bad as ever.

" Argh!" Lucas sighs in frustration.

Lucas tried to wriggle out of Adrian's embrace but he couldn't because each time he tried to do so Adrian will only tighten his hold against his waist.

Lucas couldn't endure it anymore feeling defeated he tried to wake up Adrian.

Lucas called Adrian a couple of times.

" Adrian, Adrian, ADRIAN I have to go to the bathroom!"

Though he didn't get any response instead he felt Adrian's hand slip under his pyjamas top making him shudder due to sudden closeness then he heard a low chuckle.

He flushed in embarrassment and anger, hearing a teasing chuckle.

" Hmmph! Dare to tease me," Lucas muttered.

Then he raised his legs to kick Adrian out of the bed but to his disappointment didn't happen instead his legs were caught, even slightly bent and was licked by the opposite person.

Lucas was mortified.

" You...yo...you...how could you do that!" Lucas's eyes widen in shock. He couldn't form a correct word from shock.

He had enough of this nonsense!

He couldn't take it anymore so he did the best thing he could do to free himself from this cage-like embrace.

He turned around, came face to face with Adria, even gave a small smile making Adrian's heart race then he pressed some acupoints in Adrian's body making his whole body lethargic.

Adrian was dumbfounded. He felt cheated. He has been tricking Lucas many times and now he was charmed by that small smile resulting in him being unable to move.

Adrian tried to move his body but he couldn't. He tried to complain and accuse Lucas of being unfair but even his mute point was pressed making him unable to do so.

He couldn't make a single sound.

Lucas hastily freed himself from Adrian's embrace.

He walked to the closet took out his clothes and did all this not giving a single glance to Adrian.

He knew if he look at Adrian he would be tricked to free him.

He walked to the bathroom but he couldn't bear to do it, so before entering the bathroom he turned around walked to Adrian, undone his pressed acupoints then ran to the bathroom as if a ghost was behind him.

The layout of the bathroom is simple but lavish. It is about 2o square metres which could be considered quite big.

As we open the door and walked inside there is a basin with a mirror. On one side of the wall, there are two cupboards for toiletries. At the corner, there is a washing machine and a drying machine for doing the laundry.

At the inner side, there is a commode and a little further there is a tinted glass partition for a shower and a bathtub. The bathroom and the toilet are in the same room but still, there is a partition in between.

Lucas sighs as he finally enters the bathroom, he really liked this bathroom despite being quite small than his own one at home.

He closes the door, however, he didn't lock it.

Adrian chuckle at Lucas's antics.

He lazily woke up from the bed, he walked to the bathroom but when he heard the water running he helplessly shook his head.

" How could he be so defenceless! He really doesn't see me as a threat huh," Adrian muttered to himself as if he wasn't the one who coax Lucas to leave the bathroom door unlocked saying it would be better to do things together during the morning so they won't be late for morning study sessions.

Despite looking helpless, he enters the bathroom making Lucas tense for a second then soon he relaxed under warm water.

Lucas sometimes found his own behaviour funny. He doesn't know why he reacts in such a weird way towards Adrian.

Lucas shook his absurd thoughts.

" It's all because Adrian teases me constantly resulting in me reacting like that, it's nothing else," Lucas assured himself.

Lucas quickly rinsed himself and walk out of the shower only to find Adrian seating in the commode reading the morning news in his terminal.

Adrian looks up when he felt someone's gaze on him.

Smile blossoms on his lips.

" Ba-dump!" Lucas heart suddenly skip a beat.

Lucas was confused.

" I think my heart and brain has gone crazy! otherwise, why would it skip a beat when looking at someone especially Adrian who I have known since my childhood, shitting?" Lucas thought to himself in amusement and walked to the basin to brush his teeth.

He didn't want to think about these absurd things.

And those thoughts really vanish, remaining only the warmth in his heart as he noticed the toothbrush ready for him.

" Thank you," Lucas smiled at Adrian.

Adrian waves his hand in dismissal.

On one side Lucas brushes his teeth while Adrian continues his morning business.

They were like an old couple.

When they had just made up with each other Lucas was still uncomfortable and would always try to maintain the distance as if he was afraid of Adrian closeness but with time and Adrian coaxing he began to let down his guard.

Slowly they come to the point where being like this was normal for him and Lucas also thought it was normal cause when they were still children they would also behave in a similar way.

Whenever Adrian would visit him and had a sleepover, they would sleep together, eat together and even bathe together so for Lucas being like this was normal as for Adrian he has always been a tail of Lucas and now that he understood his fondness of Lucas as love. He is more than willing to spend all his time like this.

For many others, when they were 5 or younger than 5 they rarely remember what they did or how they live their life but for him it was different.

He could still remember the day he had spent with Adrian or even the time they met for the first time since he was reincarnated with intelligence and could understand many things that normal children were unable to do.

That's why one of the reasons he was sad and upset when Adrain didn't inform him about his injury was he thought Adrian has forgotten him and their time together.

It was true that they could contact each other during their training period but it was only once a month if they weren't busy as for their busy period they could only contact each other once a year.

And all their call would be from the satellite phones so they couldn't video call each other in fear that their enemy would trace their whereabouts like Adrian was done on the last day by his uncle.

So he was afraid that time.

Now that they behave unconsciously like ' old friends ' in his thought he felt happy.

He enjoys Adrian's dependence on him and he also behaves spoilt with him many times.

After finishing their morning routines they quickly dressed and were ready to tackle their 3 day monthly assessments.

Hope you would like the chapter.

Do vote, comment and leave a review if you like the chapter and the journey of Lucas and Adrian.

Mini Theatre

Adrian- hope I could join you next time you shower. ( Thoughtfully look at Lucas)

Lucas- Never! ( Walked away)

Thanks to:

Regina_Reine for your comment.

Shadow_Moon and danielly_manasses for the powerstones.

Thanks to all my readers.

Happy reading!


KEEP SMILING. Your one smile helps to keep all the negative energy away from you.

CHArgergirlcreators' thoughts