
Chapter 18: You finally get your balls

Arrot POV

The Guru was much easier to convince than I thought honestly things had gone so well for me it was as if there was some all-powerful being out there that wanted me to succeed or was just too lazy and stupid to make complicated conflicts. (A/N: I feel called out and violated)

The Guru had agreed to unlock my potential as well as that of the others I was the first to have mine unlocked, from the original show Gohan and Krillin got a significant boost in power from Guru and with me having a large potential this would be good.

I walk over to the guru who places his large hand on top of my head "Now please standstill as I reach into the deepest depths of your very being and help you tap into your latent potential'.

At first, I was going to comment on something but my entire body was overtaken by a strange sensation as if something hiding within me was being pulled out forcefully it didn't hurt it almost felt like when you stretch after waking up feeling stiff in the morning muscle in my body felt invigorated and freshly awake.

When it was all over I felt as if I went to some sort of spar resort I immediately tell rin to show me my stats

"Sure," Rin said sounding happy about the development.


Name: Arrot

Race: Saiyan


Bloodline:Mid class Saiyan

BP:25,500 (formerly 5,000)

Bp as great ape: 255,000 (formerly 50,000)

Abilities: Zenkai boost, Ozaruu transformation (x10), Mouth cannon, Taco blast, Judgement hammer, death disc,

I couldn't believe my little eyes the jump was incredible I'm pretty sure I'm currently the strongest Saiyan alive right now, this revelation put a smile on my face as I looked to the rest of the young Saiyans I had with me, I had recently taught them how to detect life energy without a scouter and I could tell they felt my power have a massive jump.

Lett who got frustrated as he could not properly detect energy yet pressed his scouter and was shocked to see the result as he opened his mouth wide at the numbers.

25,500!!! he screamed

the others became wide-eyed at this result. Umpki quickly scanned me with his as well and his jaw dropped "h-how wasn't your power level 5000 before how'd this happen

I grinned at their shock it felt good having people this shocked at my power, all of a sudden. Toma walked up to me and stared at me for a time until she grinned even wider with stars in her eyes as she jumped around excitedly " I wanna try it next, that thing the guru did I wanna do it want to try it next !!

Bora and Abb also joined her leaving Umpki puzzled at what was happening and Lett lost in his thoughts.

The others quickly had thief potentials unlocked and were thrilled to see the results it honestly surprised me as well to see the potential they had.

Toma who was first now had a power level of 6024

Abb who went second now had a power level of 5550 to his previous power level of 550

Bora had risen to 4800 to her previous 480

Umpki had gone up to 3400 from 340

and last but surprisingly not least Lett who was the happiest about his potential had risen from112 up to 2120, even tho he was still the weakest in the group he had risen to a level many had said he would never reach he was now stronger than many of those that had mocked him now the no longer mattered to him if he ever saw them again he promised himself that he would kill them all but at the moment they were nothing but flies compared to the Saiyans in front of him now.

Arrot, Toma, Abb, Bora, and Umpki were now on completely different levels and they were the ones Lett had to catch up to they were the ones he had to focus on surpassing especially Arrot if he ever hoped of winning Toma's heart he would have to be stronger than even Arrot who seemed to only grow stronger and stronger by simply breathing, but Lett felt true confidence for the first time in his life he knew that if he continued to train and work hard enough he knew he would be great and catch up to Arrot.

At first, he didn't know how to feel about Arrot but now he knew he was sure he felt a sort of envy he felt something close to admiration that also made him angry as he asked himself why he couldn't have been born like Arrot why he couldn't be strong and composed as him. He asked himself why he couldn't have been born like Arrot, Lett held a sort of anger towards a sort of anger and irritation he couldn't explain.

He began to hate the idea of following Arrot even more and more but he wanted to try and convince Toma as well but she seemed to have grown attached to Arrot for some reason, Lett began to ponder and decided to follow Arrot, for now, to gain strength from him and when the opportunity presented itself he would strike.

As he was lost in thought he heard someone calling his name he looked up and saw Toma and Arrot looking at him he hadn't realized he zoned out whilst Arrot was explaining something, 'oh sorry about that, I just got surprised with my new power I sort of zoned out a bit hehehe'

Lett couldn't make a move to betray Arrot yet he was still much stronger than him and also he hadn't formulated a plan yet so he choose to pretend to follow him for now.

Arrot who saw Lett zone out and then apologize began to laugh out loud and pet Lett on the back

"Hahaha don't worry about it Lett, I zone out sometimes as well but try to A least focus a bit any way you didn't miss much this time, fortunately, was just explaining how I will be making a wish to the dragon soon.

Lett nods his head signifying his understanding he was also trying to read every word Arrot was saying trying to be wry of him.

"Okay guys you've all unlocked your potential that's good BUT! remember you are not invincible in the grand scheme of things we are still pathetically weak and if we ever wish to topple Frieza and his empire we will need to be much stronger than we are now we also need numbers we already have six planets under our banner but we are forming a brand new empire a Saiyan empire and as you already know of the wishes we will make and why we will make them I believe its time we move on with or goals.

I then looked at the guru who set on his large seat listening to our conversation "Of course we will leave planet name to its accords and only interfere if our help is needed. Guru didn't seem to mind since I was telling the truth about protecting planet nameck mostly from a certain lipstick-wearing lizard salesman.


and in flew nail with six large dragon balls floating behind him he stopped for a moment before looking at Arrot with a frown, parrot's power had jumped up tremendously this only made Nail question him more even if he didn't detect any hostility before he was still skeptical he placed the balls outside after collecting the one above the Guru.

"Okey now Saiyan I will say the words, then you can make your wish and I will translate.

As Nail summoned Porunga in the Namekien language Rin immediately downloaded the information into Arrow's brain.

After the summoning, a heavily muscled Dragon appears but Instead of looking snake-like in appearance, like Shenron does, Porunga appears to be more alligator-like Arrot gazed at him in awe as if to interrupt him Toma jumped on his back yelling excitedly at Porunger

Oh my gosh, it's massive hehehehe, and gosh look at those biceps is it on steroids oh something!! Umpki tried to calm her down whilst Abb laughed at her comment and Bora admired ponga and Lett zoned out in his thoughts after seeing Porunga.

"Arrot darling can we keep it please" asked Bora cutely.

Unfortunately not Bora replied Arrot who was now having his cheeks puled by Toma as he tried to keep a straight face.

Nail observed this scene of the young Saiyans extremely puzzled "I suppose children will always be children, no matter how much they smelt of death and destruction.

"Okey now says your wishes but remember if you were to wish for anything evil I won't go along with it!! said nal with a stern voice.

"Much appreciated Nail but I can handle this replied Arrot with a grin which confused Nail

Arrot began to speak in the ramekin language "Ohh great Dragon of dreams I Arrot come before you to gran my wish.

Author Note: sorry for not posting earlier just that school heh if I didn't need it I would sleep all day and write whenever I felt like it hehehe any way it wasn't that bad this week although it could have been better.

I'm thinking of going to the gym even tho I have lost weight I am much weaker than I was previously but the problem is I wanted to allow myself to grow a bit more before dedicating myself to the gym, maybe I should stick to home workouts what say you??
