
Chapter 15: A saiyan named Toma Part 2

Unknown POV

In an Abandoned house in the middle of the ruined city lay a young Saiyan in a bed with a grumble of her stomach due to her growing hunger she woke up and Lazily looked around not even caring where she was as she stretched trying to lose all her built-up fatigue she couldn't remember much of what happened after she had become a great ape but she knew enough to know she must have killed at least more than half the Boniten the previous night as was her mission.

She smiled at her deeds remembering her time on the planet this planet was considered a catch and its inhabitants were recently discovered to be innovative and intelligent they had produced technology that was soon to catch up to many advanced planets in only after 40 years after their pace of evolution and advancement was incredibly fast that it was borderline unnatural

But they had one problem and that was their power levels the strongest creature on the planet had a power level of 204 and she had defeated it easy not even needing to become a great ape she would have taken the planet much sooner if it were not for their weapons that nearly killed her first time she attacked them she had not expected them to have produced such a powerful weapon it had injured her badly but made her stronger after healing after a\two months of being nursed by an old Boniten couple she came across afterward her power level shot up to over 600 and she immediately started destroying all the weapons before they could use them again and she decided to offer them surrender or death they refused her so she became a great ape and went on a rampage.

After that she could not remember much but she felt as if she saw another Saiyan same age as her but to her knowledge, she would only get a partner if she was sent with them to the planet or if they thought she could not handle the job alone, Toma frowned at the thought of needing another Saiyans help, especially on a planet like Bonito she cared little about how the Frieza force thought of her as she ignored the call back to planet Vegeta numerous times but she did care about her reputation as a warrior she wanted to be the greatest Saiyans to exist and to have another Saiyans help subjugator her first planet was unthinkable "just who does he think he is"? she asked herself.

she got lost in her thoughts when it finally dawned on her that there was another Saiyan on the planet and only then did she notice the noise outside the window she quickly got up and rushed to look at what was outside to her surprise a large number of Boniness had gathered together in a sort of camp and they were sitting around an individual with long spiky black hair standard Saiyans armor with long black pants and of course a Brown Monkey Tail.

The Saiyan did not look any older than her yet she remembered that he had managed to defeat her as a great ape and at first after remembering she thought it was an older Saiyan but it was just a chump as old as she was she immediately jumped from the building to the center of the crowd where the new Saiyans was.

She landed and caused quite a commotion as her landing sent many flying the dust cleared and she now faced to face with the mystery Saiyan she looked into his black eyes trying to gauge him after a brief moment of silence Toma decided to speak.

"C'mon Toma no need to be hostile of the bat he's a fellow Saiyan I should say hi be a bit friendly for once" was what she thought to herself as she was opening her mouth to speak

Toma: What are you doing on my planet jackass? (Damit so close)

Toma began to internally freak out as she did not mean to seem ignorant and rude on a first meeting but calmed down as soon as she calmed down in her mind she looked at Arrot to see his reaction, Arrot raised an eyebrow for a moment but simply shrugged and spoke.

Arrot: "Well first of bitch I'm here to take over this planet and get you out of hearing so once you're done jumping out of Windows and causing unnecessary trouble well grab a bite to eat and head out okay cool now go take a freaking shower.

Toma was slightly stunned but quickly regained her composure she wanted to retaliate but was not sure of how to respond so just asked "Who are you anyway and what do you mean? "I was meant to be the one taking this planet"

Arrot sighed and began to introduce himself.

Arrot: Hello my name is Arrot I'm a Saiyan like you and I came to this planet to recruit you to the new Saiyan we are Saiyans that have defected from Vegeta and the Frieza Force to create our own new home "

Arrot raised his hand in hopes of a Handshake from Toma but she looked at him confused with a look that told him to explain further. He sighed "okay let's grab a meal they received some food from some Boniten then Arrot began to explain how Frieza planned to wipe out the Saiyans and Planet Vegeta also how he planned to rescue as many Saiyan children as possible and take them to planet Tacco so they could start a new Saiyan Empire that they will forge with the surviving Saiyans.

Arrot: So do you get it now?

Toma: Munch munch "Yeah pretty much"

Arrot: And you believe me about everything?

Toma: Yep I always knew that that little bastard Frieza wanted us dead my mom and dad used to say that often so glad to know they were right.

Arrot: "your parents didn't like Frieza?

Toma: Yep they never trusted the little creep and quite honestly who would ever trust a dude with purple lipstick, I mean of all colors purple

Toma took a massive bite from a slab of meat that was placed close to her and started eating even more meat it was a savage scene as The Boniten's looked at her in shock she was so small yet ate so much Arrot earned an equal amount of stares as He ate as much as she did Toma took notice of the Boniten's but mostly wondered why they did not seem more hostile to her or even why they never attacked even tho she could kill any of them easily it was still unsettling to be treated so kindly by people she tried to kill they were even doing as Arrot said she finally swallowed her food and Asked Arrot who slurped on a pink noodle-like food why the bonito was doing as he said.

Arrot: Well let's just say that your little rampage caused them trouble and left them desperate and without the will to fight many of their leaders are dead and they needed the guidance of a powerful individual with maxed diplomatic and persuasion skills Me by the way so all I had to do was provide them with it of false hope and maybe pretend to be a sort of god but don't worry about it Arrot looked at Toma with a smug face expecting some praise for his skills but all he saw was Toma seemingly unimpressed with his deeds still chewing on some meat.

Toma: Munch munch "You know Arrot you can't explain shit but chew I get you pretty cool dude pretty cool.

Arrot: o-okay (Rin do I suck at explaining things?)

Rin: Yes if I would have to pick between having my none existent ears getting ripped off and listening to you explain stuff I would have my Ears ripped off no question.

Arrot: Great now all my confidence is gone>

Rin: hehe maybe you should practice a bit more?

Arrot: yeah maybe a bit is there anything you can give me to improve?

Rin: information will start downloading once you head to sleep

Toma: Hey Arrot who are you talking to munch munch?

Arrot: ohh no one just thinking out loud is all hehe

Toma: "Your a weird freak bro but that's cool munch munch so anyway when are we heading out of the world to get these other Saiyan brats munch munch".

Arrot: "oh soon once I properly place a government loyal to me here then we head off but we are going to planet Namek first".

Toma: "Namak I've heard of that planet doesn't seem too profitable why go there is a Saiyan based there?

Arrot: "No but if all goes well we won't have to travel to different planets to get our recruits".

Toma: hmm sounds suspicious but okay anyway Arrot since I am technically your first-ever member of the New Saiyans I get to boss the others around right?

Arrot: "sure provided your strong enough"

Toma: "cool strong enough so if I became stronger than you would I be the boss? she said this with a Notorious grin as she stood up from the table

Arrot: "well I don't ever see you matching me but I can help you get stronger in-fact our training starts tomorrow to get ready for it.

Toma stood at the table stunned she had hoped to fight him now and test his strength and skill even tho she knew he was strong she still wanted to fight him but he didn't seem to find fighting her as exciting.

Toma:'damne bastard doesn't think I'm worth fighting dose he huh well well see about that"

For the next Weak Arrot and Toma spared each other Arrot won every single time but Toma was improving every time she lost her Power level had jumped to over 780 in just a week and after healing from minor wounds the two Saiyans learned a lot about each other although Arrot thought she was an impulsive battle junkie he soon found her to be more than that as she thought about many things even tho she was careless at times she would more often quickly learn from her mistakes.

Toma still thought of Arrot as a weird person which he was but grew to be more comfortable with him and his antics she even developed some respect for not only his Strength but also his weird character she never asked who he lashed out at sometimes but at that point was to weird out to ask still she thought of him as a sort of her first friend.

It was time to depart the planet Bonito which was now the second planet in Arrow's new Saiyan empire of Sadala

Looking down at the Planet she had been sent to conquer Toma grinned as she looked at Arrot pod.

Toma: you know I should gain full credit for taking this planet after all I did all the hard work>

Arrot: "All you did was get there and start blasting ", "but sure well give you the credit".

Toma: hehe "cool bro now of to namek, What did you say was there again?

Arrot: Dragon balls

Toma: push "I knew you were weird but didn't know you were interested in that kind of stuff"

Arrot: "WHAT?!! nonononono it's not what you think"

Toma: "It's okay bro I'm an open-minded Saiyan you are free to have all your weird fetishes, okay but just don't get purple lipstick okay"

Arrot: NO NO NO !! "it's not what you think it is"

Toma: Ahh I see so you also like rubbing and licking them

Arrot: What nooooo where are you getting this from??

And thus continued their bickering

Will Arrot be able to save as many Saiyans as possible and convince Toma he doesn't have a thing for Dragon Ball will we ever find out why Toma hates purple lipstick find out next time during the next chapter!!

(Author word)

Hey there space cowboys I find out to you with a few questions How are you doing also Did you like the chapter and what do you think of Toma is she interesting

please say yes if not I will come to your house and feed you cupcakes till you say yes

Also, as usual, please leave a comment, and also I would like to remind people I am open to constructive criticism so if there are things I could improve on please let me know
