
The Wolf gets unexpected news

Chu Hean gave him an assessing look from beneath his eyelashes, and for a moment Xiao Zai was struck by how much he looked like Chu Yun, only softer around the edges. Although, as his latest actions had shown, that softness was only an illusion. Both brothers had the same solid iron core.

That assessing look didn't disappear, but he nodded once, stepping ahead of Xiao Zai and leading him into an empty room.

Xiao Zai closed the door behind him with a loud thud.

"I think you should leave Zui as soon as possible," Xiao Zai said, tone cold.

Chu Hean didn't say anything, instead he crossed the length of the room and went to stand by the window. He propped it open with the wooden board which had been resting on the sill, uncaring of all the cold winter air rushing into the small room.
