
Falling back in place (2)

Nate couldn't use the goods sold by the suppliers just yet. He needed it transformed into good-quality fabric. However, Scarlet was right about one thing: he didn't need to sell it to someone else.

He could see it to himself.

If the suppliers weren't available to sell to the Claytons, their little business would fall into ruin. As for Nate, he could always find a way to work on the raw materials.

But, to do so, he had to make a phone call first. He would have done it another day since it was already late and no one wanted to receive calls at that hour. It was past the time most offices were closed.

Scarlet had spent the afternoon in his office, watching cartoons and eating cookies, occasionally asking how their plans were proceeding.

In the end, just as promised, Nate turned his computer off early and headed home in time for dinner. He would even have some time to spend with Jaden before eating.
