
Family breakfast

Nate knew he had made a mistake. No, well, not a mistake... It had just been a bold move. However, he couldn't let too much time pass.

If he did, the pups would warn Lara and it wouldn't have been a surprise anymore.

At the same time, his instinct told him that asking her immediately was a bet. Soon after talking about marriage? But he couldn't wait.

After battling with himself and the obstacles in front of him, he came up with an idea. He would ask her in a romantic way!

He would be romantic for real, this time. Not like that day when he had taken inspiration from a site for desperate men. He would look on sites for women and find out what they liked!

He didn't need much to realise: there weren't sites for women which explained how to propose. He had so many worries: should he kneel or not? Before asking her or after?

Where should they go for the proposal? And what should they do after?

What if she said no?

What if she said yes?
