
Permission to get revenge

«Tell me everything,» Lucretia said.

She didn't want to ask Armando to come with her when she thought about running away. She knew very well his wicked nature, and she didn't want to end up alone with him.

Amanda had been a safer option, and, all things considered, it had been fun. Except for meeting that wench who was after Renato, but that part... Oh, who cared?

Still, hearing that Armando did something to Amanda didn't hearten her. Giusy was also one of those brats she hung out with just because she couldn't push them away. Giusy would turn her back at someone at the first chance... Lucretia didn't ever think she would accept to come with her. The rest of her friends just told her to go back home while Amanda packed her things and followed her to the worst place to go.
