
Not wrong

«What does your husband think? Does he know that you're here?»

Lara was taken back. She observed doctor Mason for a few moments before finding the right words to answer.

«I don't... I don't have a husband.»

«Oh, I see. And the children's father? Where is he? Is he part of the problem you're trying to solve?»

«He's with us. And he's definitely part of the story. If not for him, I wouldn't have known I'm wrong.»

«You're not wrong, Lara. At most, there might be something to solve with you. But that's so far from being wrong.»

«He also said something like this, once.»

«The kids' father?»

«Yes, Nate. He said I am not wrong.»

«And he was right. Why don't you believe him?»

«I don't know. That's why I'm here. He keeps telling me nice things, but I struggle at believing him. It's becoming problematic, especially because we're trying to build something... We're dating right now.»
