
Fake headaches

The twins looked for Lara with what remained of their cotton candies. They had left some for her, but they couldn't find her in the kitchen.

«She said she has a little headache,» Melanie sighed. «She's sleeping right now.»

«Oh...» Scarlet moaned, observing the last two bites of cotton candy she had managed to leave.

Jaden had left almost a third of his portion, and he was the first among them to remember to leave some for their mommy.

Scarlet, on the other hand, had almost finished hers when the boy had proudly announced he was going to share his candy with their mommy.

As such, she had decided not to finish it.

Still, Jaden's was prettier to look at. And she was worrying hers would disappear if she didn't find her mommy soon.

«We can leave the cotton candies somewhere and bring them to your mother later,» Nate tried, but both the kids shook their heads.
