
Hidden clothes

In the hotel room, the sunrays had found their way through the curtains.

Samantha and Rider were still up, and the first was dressing while the latter was still showering. Her wet hair had left a big, dark stain on her t-shirt, but she didn't have time to think about that.

She would have dried her hair if only she could find her underwear. She had worn her bra and shirt, which thankfully covered her naked butt, but there was no trace of the panties.

Where did she throw them the day before?

Oh, she couldn't even remember the exact moment she got out of her clothes. It had been an intense day, followed by an intense night.

Rider hadn't asked for a break, and she was a little too excited to do it either. They had rolled on the bed and done all kinds of things for the whole time, taking a break only when the package with condoms was over.

They had fallen asleep soon after and woke up only late in the morning.
