
Fast food

The family happily drove for about an hour.

Oh, well, Nate was happy. Lara was content and excited.

The cubs were still pondering about how they should feel. Their mommy was nearby, and they could watch her closely so Nate wouldn't have any chance to grab her and run away.

Was it enough to choose to relax?

Scarlet was rather relaxed. She knew their mommy would come back even if Nate did manage to take her away. But Jaden was not of the same opinion. He didn't want to allow that man to have their mommy even for a day!

«Are you hungry, kids?» Nate asked, winking at Lara.

«I am,» Scarlet replied.

She didn't want to waste time, so she said her mind without any filter. Her brother still couldn't accept they weren't strong enough to get rid of Nate, but she was wiser.
