
All stories have an end

With some directions, Alicia was able to locate the place she was searching for.

She stood outside Sir Richard's chamber but hesitated to knock. 

Of course, she could have dropped by any other day. But she didn't want to waste any more time. If there was someone who knew about Anne, she needed the information as soon as possible. She needed whatever clue would make her understand why she was brought here and how to properly follow that path. Therefore, she didn't want to waste any time. In the movies and books she had read, it always happened that the person would suddenly go missing or mysteriously die. She didn't want that. 


After taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door, and almost at the same time, the door opened from inside. However, the first person she saw was Benedicta. 


Benedicta was surprised to see her there. The surprise quickly faded, and it turned to disgust as she looked her up and down. 
