
Chapter 10

Just to become a member of the Guild of Adventurers had taken two hours. Hiro, Yumi, Rina, and Allen had all completed their paperwork and were ready to go. After then, Allen took a look at his watch and saw that it was 5:59 PM. He was becoming a little antsy. The previous world clock and this one are at a different distance, which is surprising. Although it's almost six o'clock mostly in the afternoon, he noticed the sun still beaming.

"You've been staring at your watch ever since," Rina observed, a gloomy expression on her face.

"Sorry. I was curious as to how much time had passed between our planet and theirs. It turns out they're a long way apart after all."

"I see," Rina said, her gaze drifting to the upper right corner of the screen.

"But hold on a second. Wasn't it simply a joke on me that you were making?"

"How is it possible?"

Hiro and Yumi, on the other hand, exchanged glances. Perplexed by Allen's overly sentimental approach to timepieces. The three young people are puzzled by Allen's wristwatch. For a few periods, the gray-haired elder pondered. After that, he explained to them that it was due to his former work practices.

"Then why a watch and not other accessories?" Rina wondered.

"That's what I mean. I selected two desert eagle pistols and a revolver pistol when we were at God's armory. Later, on, I discovered the wristwatch I'd been wearing on my first journey. Unexpectedly, the watch I wore was protected from scratches and breaks thanks to a magical coating. the amount of time that is now accessible."

The three of them all said, "Extraordinary!"

Hiro and the others all had their jaws open wide at the same time. Hearing Allen's explanation, the three of them nodded in agreement. The gray-haired elderly guy had a serious expression on his face. There was an air of mockery about it, to him. That means I'll have to learn to be more patient, he sighed. Allen went online to see what his current situation was. In addition, they were promoted to the position of explorer.

Name: Allen McCarthy

Age: 63 years old

Level: 1

Race: Otherworlder

Job: Adventurer

Ability: [Dual Gun] Wind Elementalist] [Earth Elementalist] [Fire Elementalist] [Dark Elementalis] [Light Elementalist]

Skill: [Age Resistance]

There had been no notable changes in Hiro's viewpoint.

"Hiro, have a look at Hiro's place of employment, would you? This is something you'll notice," Rina chimed in.

A brown-haired teen lad nodded his head in agreement with Rina's observations. He took a look at Allen's status report. In line with what the long-haired girl had to say. Allen's position was upgraded to that of an intrepid adventurer.

"It seems like ours and Allen-are san's the same. It seems to me that this is the case."

"Yes. This is true while Allen-san seems to be the most sluggish. What more would you want to show us, then?" Yumi was the one who enquired.

"However, nothing has changed. But—"

With a skewed twist of the head, they said, "But?"

Allen drew three red circles on the wall for the trio to see. Most notably, Allen's position at the grid's very bottom in the column of results. It seems that the elderly guy with the white hair had been wrong about the freckles. His assertions become more accurate the longer you listen to him. When you see a mistake or a defect, you know it right away. They wiped their eyes: Rina, Yumi, and Hiro. Check to see whether you're interpreting it incorrectly.

"The spots manifested themselves when we were in the Guild," Allen said. "Only one person has shown up thus far. The three of you are absent from the situation."

The three adolescent teenagers accessed their window status. They were taken aback by the absence of freckles. Allen seemed to have a certain quality about him. They were all fixated on the red marks in the system status monitor when Allen had an idea. Particularly striking was the presence of the two individuals who were standing nearby, observing him intently. Two males were dressed in robes with their faces hidden. Assassins wouldn't have looked like these two. What do they look like? Are they at odds with each other? Or one of us was the assassin's main target. We need to keep an eye out for him, Allen reasoned with himself.

"Allen, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I had something in my head."

"Is it about meeting with the guild master?"

Allen gives his approval with a nod. That's what Rina was thinking as well. Yumi and Hiro, in particular, were dubious about the individual holding the guild master's title.

Just a few hours ago...

This ruckus hadn't been expected, which made Rina smack her forehead. This includes both the adventurers and the guild's employees. Because catching the Crimson High raiders was so tough, professional adventurers made it their primary mission to earn a lot of money. Standing out from the rest of the colors, in particular white and yellow. A group of protesters gathered when they learned of the waived registration cost and faster administration by the guild personnel. Though that was the guild master's policy, nothing could be done.

Finally, the guild master appeared, his aura glistening. Hiro, Yumi, Rina, and Allen all complied with guild staff instructions. The four of them made their way up the flight of steps. Follow the path up until you come to a big door decorated with dark brown wood and ornate carvings.

The pointed-eared guild employees slam the door on my shoulder. Inside, someone had unlocked the door. A few days ago, an elderly guy filed a police complaint detailing the occurrence. A door was opened for the four of them to enter his office. Upon entering the room, there are so many sparkles that it is impossible to discern. Like gleaming as a house that's just been refurbished. In addition, the bookshelves are organized so well, and the outdoor air is refreshingly pleasant. To top it all off, the table is covered with anti-dirty magic to keep the dust from sputtering wherever it goes! One of Hiro's two rectangular eyes is like a mirror, and it can't be broken apart. The young man with brown hair had picked up on the fact that a few magic particles were floating about. Intent on speaking with the guild head, Hiro interrupted himself because he was preoccupied with something else. After just a few minutes, his expectations had completely shifted. He had a big, pleased grin on his face.

"The Ars city chapter of the Guild welcomes you. We can only assume that you're exhausted. Had a lengthy road trip," guild master stated the elderly guy.

"Thanks for greetings," says the host.

"Finally, all of you were from my former world. I'm relieved that we've finally met at last," He exhaled a breath of relief.

"Wait a second. You too?" Hiro moaned under his breath.

He exclaimed, "So true!" as he affirmed his agreement.

Guild master Hiro's grin caught his attention, and he turned to face him. He rose from his chair, stunned. Using a walking stick, go at a leisurely pace. Taking slow, stumbling steps, he made his way to the couch in front of Allen. It's very uncommon to see older people in Japan using walking aids such as the wooden canes known as Teken, which is designed particularly for the elderly. Allen's eyes widened in surprise as if he were looking at someone from his own country of Indonesia. In addition, regional accents are used in the language. Before drawing any judgments, Allen needed to know who this guy was. Unmarked name tag printed on the right breast of a white stripe uniform. Djaja Ridwan Hartanto to be precise.

"Mr. Hartanto? Is it your nickname?

"Yes, of course, Miss Yumi."

"Why did you suddenly give us a free charge for this one? We don't know you," When Allen inquired, he was met with silence.

"You're from my former world, right? I had a hunch that one day I'll meet others like me. And a not a simple way to be an adventure like myself, you know. Most of them want to be staff officers, knights, or sorcerers. You've also managed to apprehend a gang of thieves without completing any quests. As a result, I'm at rest since I'm no longer in need of assistance."

"No wonder you have some trust issues with adventures in general," said Rina quietly.

"As far as it goes, I have no agree with you, miss Rina."

Upon hearing Rina's remarks, Djaja let out a little giggle. After that, he took a seat on the little couch. In the end, his walking stick was twisted. As soon as Djaja started, Allen went into defensive mode. Promote his occurrence by making others aware of him. Djaja eventually repositioned the stick in its rightful location before completing his narration.

"I used to be a soldier for my country, Indonesia before becoming a guild leader. However, since the government turned a blind eye to my situation, I was forced to die in abject poverty... When I reincarnated, my body became that of a 17-year-old. My recollections of fighting as a child It's still in excellent condition, even after all these years. When I became 54, my abilities as an adventurer waned dramatically. Because of my earlier successes, someone offered to make me guild master. Finally, I decided to run for office in the Guild," he said.

A few others in the room nodded slowly. How fortunate an elderly guy by the name of Djaja Ridwan Hartanto has it all in his favor. Although he was formerly a soldier, the fact that he was reborn at such a young age made Allen a bit envious of his situation. His hand gently moved back and forth. This signifies that Djaja wants to converse with the eagle-eyed members of the guild. His astonishment did not seem to be malicious. After saying his goodbyes, he walked out of the office. His words puzzled Allen and the three young men who accompanied him.

"Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your efforts in capturing those heinous thieves. To be honest, I could have done it alone, but there is already a law prohibiting Guildmasters from engaging in rule-breaking activities, save in extreme circumstances such as the emergence of dragons, demons, or natural catastrophes. Isn't it inconvenient, then?"

"The harshness of life is beginning to make sense to me now," Allen mumbled.

Djaja gave a gentle giggle at Allen's remarks. After that, he accessed the system log through the status bar. Describe to them four of your talents and skillsets.

Name: Djaja Ridwan Hartanto

Age: 67 years old

Level: 54

Race: Otherworlder

Job: Guildmaster

Ability: [Bamboo Spear] [Sten Gun MKI-MKVI]

Skill: [Age Resistance] [Javelin Throw]

Djaja-powers san's appear to be identical to those of Indonesian combatants, which perplexed Yumi more.

"Yumi is right. I'm not going to make any remarks about it."

Djaja isn't very gifted. Because the [Javelin Throw] talent is a rock-throwing athlete's ability, it may grow over time and be trained. Djaja's body is littered with easily visible bones. His bodily state remained unchanged right up to the death. It's ironic, given how the Indonesian government has squandered warriors like Djaja's potential. He was enveloped in the warriors' energy.

"It's about time we got down to business, don't you think? Explain your journey to me and help me find the robbers."

Good Morning guys. Sorry I felt lost at this moment. Especially between Hiro's Party and Guild Master, Djaja. It was the first time that I'm interested in other than the main characters themselves. Looking forward to what happened next.

Can I ask you a question? Which present that you want to buy for your girlfriend/boyfriend? I'm quite confused.

Dimas_Pratamacreators' thoughts