
Chapter 324

Soon enough came the fourth day, Jack already felt bad for Lucy and decided to help her a little, it doesn't matter who gets first place or second, but he didn't want to see someone he had talked with for the past couple of weeks to suffer so much under a bitch who had ego issues.

So he casually patted Lucy on the back, just a casual touch that didn't mean anything much but it will keep her safe.

The match began as members of each guild started fighting each other for the first place.

Minerva was a new face to the members of fairy tail but she had a huge fan following among the locals.

"She is supposed to be as strong as the third generation dragon slayer of Sabertooth if not stronger," one of the members who knew explained to the others.

"Hmm, I believe in Lucy, she has always strived to become stronger, she is a family member and no matter what, we will always support her."


Jean also joined as she looked at Lucy with interest, the ability to call in spirits from some celestial world to help her in battle.


The battle continued for a while until it was the time for Lucy to battle Minerva, Juvia was already eliminated by this point and Lucy was exhausted.

Minerva used her spatial magic to forcefully rob her celestial keys to incapacitate Lucy.

Just as the onslaught of spatial magic attacks began, Jack activates the magic he had placed on Lucy.

All the accumulated damage that was suffered by Lucy attacked Minerva, who was surprised by the sudden blast causing her to be out of the sphere.

The fairy tail members erupted in cheers at this, meanwhile, the few knowledgeable members understood what happened.

"Jack, did you do this?" Asked Makarov seriously as he looked at Jack.

"Hmm, I don't know what you are talking about?" Jack smiled teasingly, Makarov could only sigh as he rubbed his balding head, Mavis giggled on the sidelines.

Although she was also against breaking the rules, it didn't mean she liked seeing her children be beaten by some egomaniac.


The tag team battle that went ahead later on increased the momentum of fairy tail by another margin.

Natsu being able to handle the two cocky dragon slayers who felt like they owned the world.

Even Jack who was a dragon of domination and not a dragon of this world felt that the guys were being a bitch, slandering the reputation of dragons.


The match ended with happy notes and Jack returned with the fairy tail members to party, as he knew that the dragons will be arriving soon enough.

"I will be able to gain an upgrade and master sentry as well as get an upgrade for my dimension,"

"That's nice, Sentry, is that the new power you got," asked Jean.

They were both sitting a bit far away from the others.

"Yea, it's the power of a thousand exploding suns," Jack replied as he looked at Jean's flushed face.

The alcohol must have finally taken an effect on her, even though she was a phoenix host.

At this moment the doors of the bar exploded and Gajeel came in and started beating Natsu up, the fact that they all knew nothing would happen to Gajeel and were celebrating said a lot about their trust in each other.

After some time, the members of fairy tail sat down to listen in on to what Gajeel was upto all this time and to their surprise, they found out some stuff.

The dragon slayer of acnologia then plans to visit the place below Domus flau, the dragon graveyard which Gejeel told them about.

Jack and Jean who were far away also heard this, Jack smiled as he knew the events were progressing as planned.

Jean also somewhat knew what was happening as Jack had already told her what was happening, she was also eager to see the dragons that dominated this land 400 years ago come to life.

As for them being stronger than them, Can they destroy planets with their breaths? No! Then there is nothing to worry about.

Jack decided not to meddle in this small event and planned on taking Jean to sightsee the other empire tomorrow, maybe even Edolas if they have time.
