
Ji Hoon Is Back!

Ji Hoon darted out of the apartment of the old man burdened with an indomitable feeling.

It wasn't the first time to feel this way, yet this time it seemed a bit different. Since the first night he met Anna, he experienced such unexplained feelings of danger looming around her.

A feeling that took control over his sense and heart, made him think about nothing else but to do anything in his hands to help her.

And now that feeling returned with such a throbbing pain that shook his entire soul.

As he left the building of the old man, he found his car parked on a side street.

"It's good he brought it back," he muttered to himself before starting to drive it.

"Where are you now?" he kept thinking about that. Hospitals were removed first from his mind. After all Anna wasn't a normal person to begin with.
