
Chapter 68: Themyscira

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


With the help of the mermaids, it didn't take long for Edward to reach the dome of light. He was curious about the mermaids, and why they were so adamant on helping him, but he didn't complain, he would rather not swim if possible.

However, as they reached the edges of the dome, they suddenly stopped. One of them swam to the surface, and said, "My King, we can only go so far."

Edward wasn't surprised they could talk, he had already read about the Atlantis, but them calling him king was a surprise. So he asked, "Why do you call me king? I have nothing to do with Atlantis."

The mermaid shook her head though, "Neither do we. You have the aura of a king, and we pledged our allegiance. If you ever come back to these parts of the sea, know that our services will always be available to you."

Edward nodded slightly, wondering whether this was an effect of his Royal Will, and watched as the mermaids swam away.

He then turned to the dome, and after taking a deep breath swam in it.

The moment he passed the dome of light, an island appeared before him. In front of him was a beach, and beyond it was a forest. He couldn't see much of the island from where he was though, so it seemed he would have to explore for a bit.

He first swam to the shore, and dried himself using a burst of Chi. However, as he did he felt a strange sensation coming from his Dantian. He looked in his body, and was shocked to find that his second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra… was opened!

He felt a heat rise in his Dantian, and the Chi stored in it, the 1000 drops, started moving as they formed a whirlpool. Curious, Edward tried to infuse a drop of Chi with a drop of blood, turning it golden, and as his organs was working to turn his blood back to normal, he felt the effects of opening the second Chakra.

The first one had allowed him to use 100% of his body's strength, and strengthened it too. Now, opening the second Chakra had several effects. First he was absorbing Chi much faster than before, the whirlpool formed in his Dantian was drawing in Chi much faster than before. Also, because it was in constant movement, he found using it to have become much easier than it used to be. Not only was he faster to use it, he also had more control.

As for the last change, it wasn't really something he could use in combat, but he could feel an endless vitality coming from his genitals. Well, he was here to save the one who would help him experiment.

Edward entered the forest, and climbed one of the taller trees to look around, but the canopy of trees was too dense and uneven for him to see anything, so he picked a random direction and walked.

However, a few minutes in, he suddenly heard the whistling sound of a sharp object tearing through the wind, and turned to see an arrow heading for his head.

With great dexterity he caught in mid flight, and looked at the one who shot it. He saw a woman dressed in a metallic armor, a bow in her hands, and another arrow already in place.

Edward swiftly jumped away, dodging the next arrow, and rushed toward her. The Amazon frowned at his speed and let go of her bow as she took out a pair of short daggers and engaged Edward in close combat.

Both of her daggers went for his neck, but it turned out to only be feint for another attack on Edward's kidneys.

Edward wasn't phased though, and blocked the real blow. He took a sharp breath as he felt the strength in the blow, but still managed to block it. Then, he used the opportunity to deliver a kick of his own, infused with Chi, into her chest.

The Amazon was sent flying backwards, and only stopped when she crashed into a tree, dizzy.

Edward approached the fallen Amazon, and after grabbing her throat firmly, he slapped her harshly, forcing her out of her daze. She tried to struggle, but Edward's grip was firm.

Amazons all had Allspeak too, but they also had their own language, but he stuck to English as he asked, "Where is your princess, Diana?"

The Amazon only looked at him defiantly though, clearly not keen on answering. Edward's face hardened under the mask as he sneered, "Fine, then I guess I will have to beat every Amazon on this damn island."

Dragging her by her throat, Edward walked in the direction she came from, and ignored her pained breaths as he chocked her. After a minute, as she was about to fall unconscious, he harshly slammed her against a tree, and asked, "Tell me where is your city and I won't do you any more harm."

She coughed and whizzed in pain, but she kept her mouth shut, only staring at him with a hateful gaze. Edward sighed and kicked her in the face, knocking her out.

Then, he looked at a nearby tree and kicked it down. The trees were strong, but his kicks were stronger. He didn't have the patience of searching through the forest, and he was here to steal their princess anyway, so he decided to simply bring the forest down.

He would either catch their attention, or find their city. Now all that was left was to find which one would happen.

Kicking down trees turned out to be fun. Terrible for the environment, but he also was in a recluse part of the world surrounded by a magic barrier so he could probably destroy the entire island without any real consequence on the environment. Not that he planned to do so.

Anyway, in the end, Edward found the Amazons first. While he was kicking down trees, he finally saw a path in the forest, and following it, he fell upon the city of the Amazons.

The city felt very Ancient Greek like, which made sense, they had a lot of stone buildings, all of them quite tall and supported by white pillars.

There were barely any defences, they probably didn't expect anyone to attack them, their island was hidden from the world after all.

Still, two Amazons stood on top of the city's entrance, spears in their hands, looking at the forest with a frown. The moment Edward appeared within the trees, they both pointed their spears at him and coldly said, "How did a man get on the island? Only someone so vile could be destroying our forest."

Edward sent a look at the two and demanded, "Tell me where your princess, Diana, is. Now."

The two Amazons looked ready to mock him, but with a burst of speed Edward jumped at them, his fists turned purple. The two warrior women were alarmed by the intruders' strength, but followed their training and attacked.

Edward was actually a little impressed by their attack, with only two spears they would block all of his escape routes. Unfortunately for them, he knew of their attack beforehand, and dodged ahead of time before punching them both.

The two Amazons were sent flying, and crashed into the constructions behind, damaging the wall of a shop.

The nearby Amazons, who were in the midst of their shopping or just chilling, were shocked to see two of their sisters attacked, and immediately prepared for battle as they looked at the intruder.

Edward didn't immediately attacked, and instead said, "All of you, I am here to search for Diana, your Princess. As long as you tell me where she is then I won't bother you any longer."

One of the Amazons who was on the wall threw her spear at him like a javelin, but he simply tilted to the side and growled, "Are you really so intent on fighting? Tell me where she is, and I will go."

Edward waited for a few seconds, and saw the Amazons look at one another before one of them said, "She's gone, away with her partner."

Edward frowned, "Fools, I know she came back. If you don't want to talk then I'll search by myself!"

He jumped down and started walking down the path, but the Amazons quickly got in his way and surrounded him. He rushed at the ones in front and they began fighting.

The Amazons were stronger than the Kronans, but far lesser in number. They used crafty formations as they fought, using one another's strength to drown the enemy, but unfortunately for them Edward could read into their moves like an open book.

But every time he downed one, another would pop up, and after a couple of minutes he had enough, and he released his Royal Will.

The attack covered nearly the entire city, consuming every bit of color for a few seconds before disappearing. However, much to Edward's shock, they did not fall unconscious. Although the ones close to him were forced to their knees, they were still conscious.

He knew his Royal Will could be resisted, but for so many to do so at once, to the point he failed to knock out a single one of them… it didn't feel very pleasant.

He didn't have time for wallowing on this though. While still conscious, the Amazons were incapacitated and that would only last for a short time, so he hurried along the street as he headed for the center of the city.

Although he was asking for the way, the leaders, that is the Queen, should be there, and by extension, Diana too.

A few of the stronger Amazons managed to get back on their feet before he could arrive there, but they were sparse and easily taken care of by Edward.

Before long he arrived at the main place of the city, and there he saw a troop of Amazons waiting for him, all dressed in armor and with their weapons. On the walls, others were aiming at him with their bows, ready to turn him into a sieve at the slightest move.

At the front of the troop in front of him though, was a woman, with her hand raised in the air, stopping them from attacking. Edward easily guessed this was the Queen of the Amazons, Diana's mother, thus his mother in law, Hippolyta.

Her eyes like those of a falcon, she stared down at him and asked, "How did you intrude on our island? And what is your purpose here?"

Edward replied, "I found this island after receiving the approbation of an Olympian, making this not an intrusion, but a visit. If your Amazons hadn't attacked me, I wouldn't have done so either."

She frowned, and after a couple of seconds she lowered her arm, and as she did so the Amazons lowered their weapon. However, they did not put them down, and looked ready to attack at any moment.

Hippolyta got a little closer to Edward, and asked, "Then what are you doing here? And who are you exactly?"

Edward sent a look at the big palace nearby, and said, "I am here to visit my love, your daughter, Diana. Two weeks ago she was called back here, so I want to see her."

Hippolyta looked at him up and down, not looking very shocked at what he said, and shook her head, "She isn't here anymore."

Edward frowned, "What do you mean? She never came back?"

"No, she did. And she left."

"Impossible, she would have come back to New York. Tell me where she is, or I swear I will tear down every building on this island if I need to."

Hippolyta clenched her teeth and struck the ground hard as she exclaimed, "Will you calm the fuck down, boy!"

Edward stopped, looking at the Queen in shock.
