
Let's have a meal together.

Every time when Hazel went out in the past, Amelia always offered her knights and her carriage. Hazel felt that she was being considerate. But the truth was she wanted to keep eyes on her every action. To make sure that she would always be beneath her yet the blinded hazel always showed gratitude towards Amelia and followed her everywhere like a loyal dog. Even when she was rebuked and laughed upon by the society, not even once did she feel it was Amelia's mistake.

Now that she looked into Amelia's eyes she could see the hatred and disdain for herself. She blamed Amelia. She blamed her parents but more than that, she blamed herself for what happened.

"You do not need to worry about your mother. She loves you a lot. It is just that she is worried about you because you do not have any discipline and soon you are going to get married. If you behave the way she asked you to, she would love and cherish you too. If only you could behave like me.'' Those words used to fill Hazel with guilt and grief. She always felt that she was at fault as she could not be good enough. She could not behave like nobles! She could not be Amelia.

She snorted in her heart! Just how foolish she was to believe that! How foolish she was to always try to change herself for the person who would hate her no matter what!

"I tried, Amelia. Trust me, I tried my best. But I have realized that I could not be like you. So, I have given up now. That is why I did not want my mother to be further infuriated. Now I shall go. I will see you later.'' Before Amelia could say further or make more excuses, Hazel hopped away humming a soft tone.

"She had become more brazen." came the voice of Camelia. The female knight of Amelia.

"If you want we can always follow her. You do not need to talk so sweetly to that fool." added Carmen the male knight of Amelia.

"I do not know if she has become dumber or smarter. But in any case, we could not let her make friends. So, follow her and see who her new friends are. And then I want all the details about them." her eyes had an evil glint as she continued to look at the direction when hazel had gone.

"Yes, my lady." they both bowed and left while Amelia still stood there.

"You are the right elder sister. You could never be me or take my place no matter what you do. I will make sure to snatch everything from you." There was no sweet girl left. But a woman filled with hatred.

Hazel knew that they would follow her therefore instead of taking the concrete road, she jumped the wall after walking to a distance and took the shortcut to woods. She was sure that they would never be able to guess that her friend was a wolf in the deep dark woods. And if they still followed her, she would just ask the wolf to eat them instead of the meat.

She remembered the way he was glaring at her and showing her his fangs, even when he was badly injured and a smile formed on her lips.

"I wonder if he was waiting for me as I had instructed him to or had run away when he started to feel better?'' She did not know why, but she was feeling a strong affinity towards the wolf. If possible she would have taken him as her pet.

Her speed increased with that thought. But she continued to turn and check if they were following her.

A goofy smile formed on her lips when she saw the wolf still lying there. Deep in her mind, she was afraid that she would not be able to see him anymore.

She ran towards the wolf which gained the attention of the sleeping beast. He had been struggling in pain for many hours. So, when the herbs started to take effect and he started to feel better, drowsiness took over him.

He wanted to leave but then he knew that he needed to replenish his energy before that. So, he decided to sleep for a while. But who would have thought that the crazy girl would come back so soon. And why was she running so fast towards him? He took a few steps away but she did not even notice his reluctance over her excitement.

"Aww.. you can already walk! See! I have told you that my herbs can do wonders." She sounded like a mother who became ecstatic when her son walked for the first time. Why was she so excited after seeing him. She really was a crazy girl or trying to trap him so that she could attack when his guards were down. After all, humans are the most unfaithful creatures. His eyes hardened as he remembered how he was attacked in the past.

Oblivious to his thoughts, Hazel kneeled in front of him and ran a hand in his fur lovingly.

"You are looking much better now. See, I have brought food for you. We both will have our meal together." her chirpy voice resonated in the air as she opened her basket unceremoniously and took out raw meat. She laid the meat in front of him and took out steak for herself.

"Let's eat." she smiled at him as she cut her steak and ate a bite. He looked at the cooked steak in her hands and then at the raw meat throw in front of him.

He moved closer to her and sniffed the basket. Nodding with satisfaction, he bit the basket and tore it into many pieces through his sharp teeth and took out the cooked meat and another piece of steak and started chewing it without giving another look to the raw meat laying there.

