

The stairs to the loft at Sylvia's house split the main floor down the middle and had a cute little bookcase nestled behind it. Greta led August up to the cozy loft space that held a small twin bed on one side and a dresser on the other. But the most captivating part of the room was a deep window seat nestled against a round window overlooking the woods out back.

"Can you believe this was Sam's room? Isn't it cute?" Greta asked as she walked to the window seat. There was enough room there for both girls to sit facing each other with the file of physics literature between them.

"It's incredible," August agreed. "I love it."

"When we were kids I was so jealous of his room," Greta laughed.

"It must be something to have a mate who you were such close friends with growing up," August said.
