

"Copy Oliver, report in on any discrepancies during your travel and report in upon arrival in America."

Right as Oliver got the clearance to depart he turned on the helicopter.

The blades started moving and Oliver waited for a while until they reached their maximum speed before taking off.

Once they were in the air Oliver asked a question.

"Is this your first time in a helicopter, Night?"

"No, it isn't. I remember riding one upon a mission retrieval, However, I was hanging on a harness back then."

Leo chose not to tell Oliver about his helicopter ride back to England with Noah for obvious reasons.

"Say, Oliver, how long have you been working for MC&D so far?" asked Leo.

"That is a tough question, I started working here seven years ago I think, the small airline I worked for went bankrupt and we all got fired, I got approached by a recruiter after being fired who offered me this position, I mostly took it for the hefty paycheck. At first, I was terrified since I sometimes would have to pick people up under fire or they would be injured, but you grow used to that kind of things."

"I guess so, at first I wasn't really used to my job here either but over time I got used to it, I guess."

"Remember Night, humans are quite adaptable, put us under harsh conditions and after a while, we will find a way to cope with it."

"That is until you go insane."

Oliver laughed for a while before switching the subject.

"You are quite important to MC&D, aren't you?"

"I guess so." replied Leo in a carefree tone.

"The stamp that was on the document usually means that you are managed by Iris or one of the other big names, shit must be hard isn't it?"

"Yeah, I am managed by Iris and I can ensure you she is a total bitch, doesn't regard you in any way, and only cares about you if you can make money for her."

"I could guess as much, spoke to her twice and both times she was quite demanding."

"Weird question Oliver, but what was the most disturbing thing you have seen on a mission.

The smile on Oliver's face faded as he gave Leo an answer.

"I was retrieving five agents who had been exposed by the foundation and were actively hunted down, when I arrived three had already died, one was critically injured and the last one had a bullet wound in his leg. The critically injured agent was loaded in the back of the helicopter before the other one-hopped in. It was a high-quality helicopter so the noise canceling from outside was good. I heard the critically injured member saying his last goodbyes to his squadmate as he died, the remaining squad member kept begging him to not leave him all alone before breaking down when he died. I pretended not to hear it and it still kind of haunts me to this day."

"This job isn't fun, but it has to be done. I commend you for it." said Leo in an understanding tone.

"Honestly it just sucks, retiring isn't really an option since I fear that MC&D would just dispose of me that way."

Leo thought about it for a while.

It was understandable that a lot of employees feared their lives upon retiring, especially the drivers and pilots, they had seen some of the worst situations.

Leo considered hiring Oliver once he started his own group but brushed it off for now, it was something to worry about later.

Leo and Oliver kept talking about stuff until they arrived in America.

This time they landed the helicopter at a small farm near Utah.

The farmer came outside and didn't look curious or worried at all, he simply waited for Oliver and Leo to get out.

Oliver walked toward the farmer and handed him an envelope.

When the farmer opened the envelope Leo saw banknotes.

The farmer started counting the money and Leo counted in his head.

In total it was 15 bills of 100$, 1500$ in total.

The farmer nodded and spoke in a heavy accent.

"All good, you can get this hummingbird whenever you feel like, your car is in the barn. Go get it."

Later this week I will be releasing a challenge in our discord server, if anyone manages to complete it they will get access to exclusive lore and I will post two bonus chapters that day, so make sure to join the discord in order to increase the chances of winning.


lazylizardcreators' thoughts