
Dumb gorilla

Without much choice Leo approached the sedan, it was most likely his escort.

Leo could make out two figures standing next to the car as he got closer and closer.

One of the figures was a burly man with a beard, he was quite tall.

The other man had well-toned muscles but was way slimmer than the other man.

When Leo arrived infront of the burly man he greeted him.

The man said something in an unknown language to Leo, presumably Polish.

Leo tilted his head in confusion as the man repeated his sentence but this time with a hint of anger.

"Speak English you fucking gorilla!" yelled out Leo to the man.

Leo already wasn't too happy with the boat ride and felt that something was going on so he didn't accept the fact that a mere errand boy was giving him attitude. It didn't matter to Leo how the guy was built, a bullet could always do the job. It also didn't look like the two men had any guns on them.

The burly man with the beard also didn't accept Leo calling him a gorilla, he didn't know a lot of English but he did know that what Leo just said was not friendly.

The burly man stepped up to face Leo but Leo didn't move an inch.

As the man kept coming closer to Leo the man with the well-toned muscles kept a close eye out.

Suddenly Leo could be seen reaching for something in his shirt.

The other man quickly intervened and spoke something in English.

"Calm down! Calm down! we are here to pick you up!"

Leo loosened his stance and ungripped his gun.

The man who calmed the situation down proceeded to scold the other man before turning back to Leo.

"Sorry for Jacek's behavior, I am Olek and we are your drivers."

"Why didn't you intervene before?" questioned Leo.

"Noah didn't specify what language you would speak so we assumed that you spoke Polish," responded Olek.

"Oh so you just assume that a person who gets dropped off at a dock by a fucking boat speaks Polish?" sneered Leo.

Olek looked at Leo with a confused face as he realized his stupid mistake.

Leo snorted.

"Whatever, let's just get going for now. I have to talk to Noah."

Leo walked towards the entrance of the car and got in the backseat while waiting for Olek and Jacek to get in as well.

The two drivers quickly got in and drove away in silence.

Leo used this time to recollect himself and think about what he had just done.

What just happened was nothing like him, if he killed the drivers he would be stuck at the dock as he had no idea where Noah exactly was.

He felt that ever since he got marked by the other creature in the void his temper was uncontrollable sometimes.

He remembered what Sogrith said about the creature invading a part of Leo's mind space and he started to worry a bit, this was definitely something that he had to discuss with the sarkists once he met them.

Unbeknownst to Leo nor the drivers a civilian class car had been tailing them for a while.

The silence in the car was broken by Jacek after fifteen minutes who kept repeating one thing in Polish.

"Szalony człowiek! Szalony człowiek! On jest szalony!"

"Olek, what is he saying?" questioned Leo.

Olek started stuttering and sweating upon hearing Leo's question.

"Well uh h-he is saying that you are c-crazy..." responded Olek timidly.

Silence fell again for a while before Olek continued.

"Jacek has never been challenged like that before, he said that you were fearless."

Leo laughed upon hearing Olek say that.

"Olek, I am far from fearless. It's just that Jacek doesn't scare me. I have faced far worse before."

Olek wasn't surprised upon hearing Leo say that, he already expected something like that. Not a lot of Noah's contacts were "just" normal people.

Silence fell once again in the car and Leo looked outside as they were driving into Malbork.

Malbork was quite a peaceful city, it wasn't too big and the crime rate was also pretty low.

Leo wondered where exactly the sarkic outpost was but Noah didn't specify anything about it.

After a while, the car started slowing down before coming to a full stop.

Jarcek and Olek got out of the car and Olek opened the door for Leo, allowing him to get outside.

"We are here, Noah has rented you a room, you just need to clock in as Leo Paltrek, the second name is made up. Noah will be in room 418, right next to you." said Olek.

Leo waved the drivers off as he entered the hotel.

"This is so luxurious..."
