
The void

Leo stepped into the vehicle and the maid did not waste any time.

She instantly went full throttle with the vehicle and the guards quickly opened the gate so she could get through.

"Hm, it appears that all of Noah's maids are trained extensively." thought Leo.

The moment the maid hit the main road she slowed the vehicle down.

Leo laid down in the back of the vehicle and relaxed his body, falling asleep after fifteen minutes.




"Where am I?"

Leo found himself floating in absolute darkness. Most people would be terrified, but Leo found it quite relaxing for some reason.

It was cold, but Leo felt... Welcome here.

He could not find a proper way to describe it, the darkness was like a liquid, surrounding him.

However, he did not drown in it.

In the next second, Leo heard a soothing voice and relaxed his body

[Congratulations on achieving your sub-class!]

[Please point towards an image for more information!]

In front of Leo three images popped into the darkness

One depicted him controlling an army of soldiers, the other one depicted him tearing off the limbs of his enemies and the final one depicted him smashing someone's head with two floating rocks.

Leo pointed his finger towards the image of him controlling an army.

[Sub-class: "cognito hazard."]

[This sub-class will transfer your eye into a cognito hazard, allowing you to get into someone's brain and temporarily stunning them on the spot. You yourself will have immunity to this effect.]

Leo pointed his finger towards the second image.

[Sub-class: "Berserker."]

[This sub-class will allow you to power your body up the more blood you spill, the more blood you spill the faster and stronger you become.]

Leo had already seen this when he made his initial class choice and he pointed his finger toward the third and final image.

[Sub-class: "telekinesis."]

[This sub-class will allow you to bend the surrounding objects to your will slightly.]

Leo relaxed his body and closed his eyes before starting to think about what choice he would make.

"Cognito hazard would pair fine with my assassin-like choices, but Berserker will allow me to have a trump card meanwhile telekinesis is a all-around choice, but it requires a lot of mastery to be at its best effect."

However, Leo was snapped out of his thoughts soon after that.

Leo heard a sound that was similar to a heartbeat and he opened his eyes.

"What the..."

Next to the final image was a door that was covered in flesh, half of the flesh was decaying meanwhile the other half was pulsing.




Leo kept getting hit by the same notification, but he was already in a trance.

Something about the door... appealed to him.

He was interested in it, to the point of him ignoring all the warnings he kept receiving.


The soothing voice had turned coarse a while ago, turning into a deep voice that sounded like a warning.

However, it was already too late.

When Leo got close to the door, the flesh reacted to him.

The door got covered entirely with the flesh and it attached itself to Leo's hand.

"What the..."

Leo did not get a chance to finish his sentence since he was absorbed by the flesh.

"Is this the end for me?" thought Leo.

He was surrounded by an unpleasant feeling and he closed his eyes.


"Is it done...?"

Leo opened his eyes and found himself in a similar void, but this one was crimson red, like blood.

thirty meters away from Leo stood a figure with three horns on his head, he was holding a wand made of flesh with an eye on the top.

The creature had three eyes on his face and multiple more on his body. He had one devil-like wing on his back and a large mouth on his chest.

Leo could not resist his curiosity and called out to the creature.


However, Leo's curiosity was soon replaced with a different feeling.


The creature took one step toward Leo, and the entire void changed.

Leo could hear hundreds of voices calling out to him in despair, all suffering.

The crimson void disappeared and was replaced with a barren landscape, full of death.

For a second Leo thought he was in hell.

Hundreds of eldritch creatures were killing each other, but none dared to approach the creature that was walking towards Leo.

The creature took another step towards Leo and the ground turned into flesh.

For one of the first times in this new life, Leo truly felt fear.

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lazylizardcreators' thoughts