
Ambush (2)

The hole in the roof of the car wasn't big, it was just big enough to fit your arm through.

Crawler took three smoke grenades off his belt and chucked them out one by one.

You could hear people backing up from the van before hearing three dull thumps.

That was the signal that the grenades detonated.

Crawler started counting out loud.

"8.. 9... 10! Pirate, go go go!" yelled Crawler.

Pirate kicked the door open of the van and everyone rushed out.

Pirate walked forward into the smoke before yelling.

"Time to die you motherfuckers!"

After that Leo could not hear anything else since all he heard were gunshots.

He dashed for the forest but heard a faint cry.

"Please.. don't leave me to die..."

Leo looked back and saw that one of the drivers was still alive.

The other driver had his torso impaled with a large branch and was dead for sure.

Leo considered leaving him until he got an idea.

Leo went to help out the driver but found his door to be jammed.

Leo clicked his tongue before transforming his arm into a saw, it was all taking too much time in his opinion.

The driver looked at Leo with a horrified facial expression, he did not know anything about Leo's true identity.

"What.. what are you..." said the driver.

"All you need to know is that I am on your side." said Leo before lifting the driver upon his shoulder.

Leo quickly dashed into the forest before placing down the driver against a tree.

"Here, take this radio and report the entire situation to HQ, I have to help my teammates." said Leo.

The driver simply nodded towards Leo before calling into HQ, he was too frightened to question Leo and followed his orders.

Leo was glad upon seeing this, reporting towards HQ would surely take about four minutes, too long in his opinion.

Leo took a look around the environment before making a comment about it.

"What a beautiful landscape, too bad that I will have to paint it red soon." said Leo before dashing towards the main fight.

Leo hid at the edge of the forest and first decided to observe the main battlefield.

There were already two corpses on the battlefield, one of them was a person that wielded a shield, there were numerous dents in the shield and his body was riddled with bullet holes.

The other corpse was of what appeared to be the person behind the shield, there was nothing wrong with the body except one hole in the helmet.

Leo's next sight was even more shocking.

Pirate could be seen firing her M249 with one arm, her other arm was completely covered in blood.

In the next second a loud gunshot rang and Pirate fell to one knee.

She was incapacitated by a shot in the leg and could not continue anymore.

It appeared that they wanted to secure her alive for further questioning as a shield wielder approached with a gunner towards her location.

"Guess I have to make a move." thought Leo.



I was surprised that I hadn't collapsed yet, I was leaning on one knee with a bullet hole in my arm and leg.

Who would've thought there was another sniper?

All I could hope was that Artemis, Crawler, and that newbie could get out alive.

However, the final shot of death never came.

When I looked up I saw two people approach me.

I could not help but curse my bad luck, getting captured was even worse than death.

I would get tortured for every ounce of information I had before getting put down like a dog.

Secretly I hoped that Kevin would give me a quick death by shooting me in the back of my head, sparing me of the agony that was sure to come.

They were slowly approaching me, and I just waited for them to arrive.

When they arrived, the one who wielded the shield only said one thing to me.

"Put up a resistance and my buddy will not hesitate to shoot you."

Not like I could put up a resistance in my sorry state.

In the next second I could feel my body slowly being dragged away from the vehicle.

I had already accepted my fate, but in the next second, something weird happened.

The person dragging me collapsed over me, he had about twenty small holes in his chest.

I heard the shield wielder despair behind me.

"Shit! shit! where from!"

It took all my energy to turn my body around, but in the next second I saw a magnificent sight.

The newbie jumped out from the snowstorm and attacked the shield wielder in mid-air.

"Re-experiment, Only this time I'll play nice."

lazylizardcreators' thoughts