
Ultimate Creation

"I'll be surprised more times? What do you mean, Boss?" Tesla didn't really get it. He usually never gets what Dreamer says so this time it wasn't different as well.

So, by full means, Dreamer chose to ignore Tesla and just gave him further orders.

"Next is the Planet Heroine. Go there."

"Heroine huh. Maybe another Queen." Tesla talked with himself and got on his work with the square board.

Dreamer then looked at the clone that had arrived from the Cassiosepi. He would call him clone number fourth.

'This is confusing. I should count once more.'

Dreamer turned his head and looked at the two clones standing behind him.

He looked at the first clone. 'This guy arrived from the planet Charlie. The icy cold one. He is the first.'

Then he looked at the third clone. 'He is the third one who endured the nose-wrecking smell in the planet Wicked.'
